SL PvP vendors are not good enough

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World domination.

:earth_africa: :smiling_imp:

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What would that be? We haven’t had it before. Legion doubled down on making it a matter of 10 to 15 %'s difference in your stat template at the most (maybe it was possible to reach for 20 % around 7.3, I can’t remember).

We haven’t had it before. You can alter certain things like bringing back set bonuses, but that’s kind of iffy as well, making it feel like you have to gear up to complete your character’s toolkit, rather than improving on its efficiency.

Everything except for Legion has done away with multiple sets of gear to keep up, including BfA.

Ion, are you angry your mask slipped so easily this time?

Edit: Ion, I just saw that your main account on NA is only honor level 5. No wonder you keep talking bag about PvP when your participation in it is probably just one random battleground per PvP season.

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Perhabs you should just stick to twitch chat, where they all type like complete morons.


Blizzard honoured the player request, but not the spirit of the request.
you will play the game the way THEY want you to.

SL is BFA 2.0.

enjoy your senseless grinding.

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stats shouldn’t be on armour anyway, that makes NO sense, put them on the player where they should be and you wouldn’t have to carry sets around…:stuck_out_tongue:
and i’m no authority on the subject but i still feel it would be better to stop over complicating everything with dumb numbers and give us a much wider range of spells and abilities so the whole game didn’t revolve around death by cc and who has the biggest crit…-.-

You are a special kind of moron.

I take it that a bad bad PvP player made you cry? Did mommy give you a kiss afterwards?


Don’t tell me what I am supposed to enjoy. Ion & the dev team have tried to do that the past 6 years, and they have been wrong the whole time.

The issue as it stands atm is that you can not get all optimal stat combos in pvp. You can, in pve.

If gear is supposed to be just gear in SL then the vendors should also sell a larger variety of stat combos too, to represent the variety that pve has.


Aw did I hurt your insecure feelings? You’re projecting <3

At least i’m not broke :v:t2:

Did I hurt your feelsies too? :frowning:

I wish :crying_cat_face:

I guess we forgot to ask for USEFUL PvP vendors, when we screamed PvP vendors :frowning:

Maybe they’ll understand what we’re asking for after Shadowlands.

Then Ion has to balance the stats more closely between one another, so choosing a secondary becomes just a preference choice rather than a performance one.

Imagine not using the term projecting correctly. And sorry to disappoint you, you did not hurt my feelings. Better luck next time and have fun typing like a clown on twitch.

Ya, ban pve players from pvp, enjoy 30min BG queues :slight_smile:

I’d say that you can get some stat combinations in PvP and you can get some stat combinations in PvP. Neither provides everything.

If people want to min/max to the 100th percentile, then I personally feel that’s the player’s choice to pursue that degree of perfection, not the game imposing it as a requirement.
Hence, if it turns out that you need to do dungeons, reputations, fishing, or crafting, in order to get some BiS item that’s marginally better than the second-best option you already have, then that’s the player’s own choice to pursue that with all the hardship it entails.

Being viable and being optimal are somewhat different.

I think the PvP vendor should provide a viable path of gear progression for PvP.
I think WoW in its entirety should provide the optimal path of gear progression.

If you want the very best the game has to offer, I think it’s only sensible that you also have to excel at the game in its entirety, and not just a small portion of it.

He who excels at Raiding will get good rewards.
He who excels at Mythic+ Dungeons will get good rewards.
He who excels at Arenas will get good rewards.
And he who excels at all of the above will get the best rewards.

Thats nonsense. If you balance stats to be close to each other for every class then you are not chossing anything becouse it doesmt matter what you chosse you will end up with same dmg boost. You migh also just remove stats completly becouse they will stop matter.

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You’re actually so upset about me using kekw it’s crazy.

Must be tough to be this insecure irl

Except that I’m not upset in the slightest, just making an observation. Better luck next time, oh great armchair psychologist! Time to put you on ignore.

An observation :joy_cat::joy_cat:

I recommend going to the gym and visiting a barber chief.

Anyone who excels at both raiding and m+ should not have an advantage in pvp though, which is literally the case now. Every BiS azerite item for shadow priests for pvp for example can only be obtained from PvE, which quite frankly is ridiculous. With that said, I don’t think the SL PvP vendor is as bad as some people here make it out to be.

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