SL Rogue "unprune" is an insult

Blizz is trying to pull WC3 reforged on us all over again.

Getting poisons back is fine, altho it’s just a revert of a dumbest decision in WoW, but oh well, “unprune”, ok.

Ambush is good.

Next is Shiv. Are you kidding me? They renamed existing Poisoned Blade into Shiv and called it “job done”?

Next is SnD. Yay, yet another boring passive buff to maintain, aside from Garrote and Rupture. And it doesnt even pandemic, meaning you cant refresh early to get a longer duration. And you can’t refresh it with evis/envenom like before as well. To start doing damage, rogue needs Garrote and Rupture going, now we need to add SnD as well. Terrible. And Broing. Also annoying. Also it’s not a real SnD. Its half of what it was :slight_smile:

Outlaw gets kidney, loses Between the eyes ranged stun. Yay? Nay. And that’s all. RtB I don’t even wanna waste time on.

Sub lost “shadow dot”, it was renamed back into Rupture. Couple talents everybody took anyway are made baseline. That’s all.

By the way, Mutilate, Backstab still hit for 3% of target HP in PvP.

Cheap Shot awards 1 CP instead of 2. So in PvP, with 1 CP cheap shot, + the need for Garrote, Rupture and SnD to get going, Assas will require a minute to start doing some damage. Boring.

Crimson Vial nerfed to 20%, w/e, ok.

Where is Gouge? Where is Preparation, Premeditation, Deadly Throw? Dismantle? Where is Expose Armor? Disarm Traps? Where are hard-hitting abilities? Where are new talents? Where are must-have Essenses and Azerite traits baseline, like other classes?

These SL rogue changes are a spit in the eyes of all rogue mains.


Yes, but does way too low damage.

We should get gouge and garrote baseline at the very least.

Rogue, the only class getting weaker going into shadowlands, incredible. Yeah it is frankly insulting.

Warlocks really need some love as well.

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maybe because rog was one of the class with still the biggest toolkit of all classes after wod prune

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Yes, Rogue was perhaps the only class (besides shaman) not butchered in WoD, however it got butchered in Legion like everyone else.


Yeah i tought the rework for all the classe was to come back before all the legion s***…i really don’t understand the hype about this extansion now that i see what the “rework” is…i tought my warrior would have his 3 stance back so i can have a more dynamic gameplay switching beetween stance…or that my shaman got all his totem back etc…, well i got my refund i hope guys will enjoy the futur expansion but i feel i will not so it’s time to see what other MMO are about, was fun playing with all of you guys ! :wink:


Don’t wanna be rude, but there are particular class forums. This is a general one.

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I’d assume Blizzard doesn’t really read class forums, so people are hoping to be noticed on the general ones.

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Well that’s put me off a rogue. I liked the shadow stuff.


The idea is to voice our opinions as much as possible, everywhere. People are spamming US wow forums, reddit, Twitter, everything, while we still have some little time left. Because Blizz shouldn’t think that a half-arsed job should be enough this time.

You have 7 (seven!) honorable kills.

Would cause balance issues. It’d be far too strong in todays game to just reset all your cds.

You already have plenty of those.

Rogue heals for very little in PVP as it is anyway without the nerf to crimson vial, theres been no real “changes” as far as I’m concerned as someone who mains assa, the other specs got some “love(?)” but its far from a finished product and some things need to either become baseline or just go, really.

Especially when it comes to talent choice with rogue, like many classes alot of the picks are just a complete no brainer must have or simply are unviable.

You should get 2 sec cast time on all skills

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Just play the cool spec and you’ll be okay.

This is not an argument to defend this “unprunning”. I know this guys feeling. In shaman’s unprunned spells figures Tremor totem. It’s quite funny as it’s already baseline in BFA. Good one.

So? I don’t pvp but it still works in pve just fine.

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they told you during blizzcon that its waht you shoudl expect.

2-3 usless abilities coming back to shut people up .

and thats exackly waht they did.

pruning was there for a reason .

you rip what you sew.


I can’t believe they’re removing nightblade from sub. Wasn’t unpruning supposed to be about giving us more options, not less? So “unpruning” is basically taking away spec-defining abilities replacing them with something another spec already has. They’re actually PRUNING the specs by REMOVING abilities, WTF.

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With Rogues “unpruning” actually means “renaming”. Renamed Poison blade into Shiv and Nightblade into Rupture)) Dispatch got removed as well, renamed into Ambush. At least ambush can be used out of stealth, altho as someone mentioned, it hits for 0.01 dmg. All in all Assas has 1 additional ability - SnD. The most passive and boring and annoying one ever.

Assas gameplay in SL will be about managing 4 debuffs/buffs - rupture/garrote/SnD/Envenom buff. Who thought that watching clock timers 24/7 is fun gameplay? Before we refresh 1 buff or debuff, the other one runs out.

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