[SL SPOILER] What broke the machine of death?

Before I start, I’d like to warn that this speculations will cover spoilers both from diablo IV and Wow : Shadowlands. So you’ve been warned.

TLDR : We are like the Nephalem in diablo, a unknown variable in the cosmic destiny, and by defeating the legion we may have broke the balance on a cosmic scale and disturbed the Arbiter’s Purpose, making her goes offline as it was not foreseen by any cosmic forces in the universe. Explanations in the TL post following :

First of all, its common knowledge that blizzard recycles some plots from its different games , and even use the same plots in differents expansions ( wink @ MOP && BFA, world tree, world stone etc … )

So when blizzard said " We broke the machine of death when we did something in Legion " I began to look for what it was, and I think I may have found a potential explanation.

But for now , lets look at what happened in Diablo 3.

  • Diablo invaded the High Heavens and was stopped by the Nephalem.- what is not really known in this story is that the Scrolls of Fate of Itherael mentionned that when Diablo would walk the High Heavens, the angels and the Heavens will be terminated. But, somehow, the nephalem prevented the Truth from the scroll to pass and defied the very prediction the Scroll made.

Itherael never revealed his views on the ultimate fate of the Eternal Conflict, despite it being written within the scroll. He did not reveal that it was foretold that Heaven would lose when Diablo himself walked through the angels’ realm.[4] However, the fate of the nephalem was not recorded in the scroll,[4] as they were not part of the natural order of Creation.[5] And as such, the fate the scroll recorded was defied, and Diablo defeated.[4]

  • As a result of this, in Diablo IV, we learn that Heaven closed it’s doors and went AFK, probably because they didn’t know what to do with the Scrolls of Fate becoming obsolete, their future was unknown and they became without purpose.

Purpose, we find this elsewhere, in Shadowlands.

The Purpose.

It is said on the description of Oribos, that the attendants are guided by “the Purpose,” the belief that the Shadowlands follows a pattern laid out by the Arbiter in her infinite wisdom.

I think this " Purpose " might be similar to the Scrolls of Fate things in Diablo .

Now, where do all of this connect ?

to what broke the machine of Death.

In diablo, the Nephalem defied fate and are absent of it, thus leading to unknown conjecture and future incertain.We learnt that Azerothian, in WoW, are similar. They can change destiny, they can change fate. The can create new future neither to Light nor the Void foresaw.

And they defeated the Legion.

I think the Legion was not supposed to be defeated, it was not foreseen, and was never on the table, even Elisande said it :

=> youtube.com/watch?v=pft35f9V8YU (2:09)

She peered in all different future and never saw Azeroth winning.She never saw the Legion being defeated. And during the fight with her we " changed " the future she foresaw and she lost her certitudes and visions and was defeated.

We have several mention of “fate” in Legion.

" Sometime the hand of fate must be forced " Illidan

" Their can be no chosen One, only we can save ourselves " Illidan

" It shatters the bonds of Fate, that seeks to crush us all " Aegwynn

" Our survival was never in fate’s hand. " Velen

So now, back with the Purpose. If the Arbiter is planning like a machine, and having a “purpose” according to the possible futures, and dispatch anima according to it, and the presence of the Legion in this purpose was never off the table, having suddenly this future changed on a cosmic scale because of Azerothian would break the machine of death and broke the " Purpose "

So the Arbiter would turn off or sleep to " recalculate " everything and reboot the Purpose.

In Diablo the Heaven closed due to the absence of Fate, allowing Hell to invade sanctuary again, and motivating Rathma to call Lilith from the void.

In wow the absence of the Arbiter allowed Sylvanas to help free the Jailer from the maw…I’ll speculate as far as saying that the Arbiter will maybe want to get rid of us when we will wake up and won’t have good intention, if we are an unknown variable in her plan, it’s not in her best interest and calculation to keep us alive in her equation.Proof is, we’re walking, alive, in the lands of the dead, we’ve already tainting the shadowlands and disrupting the balance…

To finish, there was this whispers in early BFA beta that said :

" The burning ones kept balance. Lost now… lost. "

We probably made a mess :smiley:

=> wowhead.com/news=283179/the-whispers-of-barrowknoll-cemetery-battle-for-azeroth-alpha


If I am not mistaken, the machine of Death broke after the Val’sharah questline. In Ardenweald it’s mentioned that Ysera was one of the last souls who did not go straight to the Maw, which would imply the mechanism broke after she died, probably when Greymane shattered the soul lantern in Stormheim (canonically Stormheim happens after Val’sharah). However the mechanism might have already been broken when Ysera died, and Elune simply allowed her soul to not go straight to the Maw.

Also, I don’t see why the Arbiter would want to eliminate us. We are not disrupting the balance at all, we are literally restoring it by fixing the mess that Jailer and Sylvanas started.

Finally, we did not really make a mess when we defeated the Legion. Unless if by “mess” you mean “avoid total omnicide of the cosmos”, in which case we did.

She was “one of the last” doesn’t means she is the last.

Moreover, why all the guys we killed in the emerald nightmare raid still alive at the end ?
Something does not add up.

And we did a mess by defeating the Legion. We had literally whispers saying that the balance of the cosmos is over because the burning one kept balance.

The cosmos was ruled by clashing forces that kept each other’s at bay for countless time. We got rid of one of them, and you think there will be no consequences at all?

I still think the machine of death pausing is one of those consequences.

The arbiter is dormant because she is either rebooting or trying to "’ calculate " and repurpose the " Purpose " who is now all messed up .

If we are an unknown variable in that Purpose, I don’t think she’ll like repurpose- it every single time ( if this works that way ) because we do things that are not planned at all in the different possible future…

And as Elisande said, the Legion was supposed to win in all the Future she saw. We broke fate that precise day. I don’t think it should go without any consequence and we will have to assume we made a huge mess in the balance of the cosmos

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Well, if something will go wrong, Algalon still can reset Azeroth…

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Jailer sent an anonymous letter with wrong pronouns to the Arbiter and xer is now in coma.

Jailer is right. Arbiter is wrong. Problem solved.

Another possible cause could be Argus death. He had unique properties. Was he alive was he a Titan? Yes and no. I don’t know if there is lore about Titans afterlife.

Lol okay dude, so we should be punished for saving the cosmos from total omnicide. Not a chance. Warcraft is not the type of story that punishes the heroes for stopping the villains.

Besides, there’s no reason why Elisande’s visions should be an absolute. If neither Light and Void can see the exact future that will come to pass, then neither can Elisande.

titan afterlife lore is all the pantheon and that norganned protected their souls and send them to the keepers(or part off since legion)
thats all titan afterlife lore there is

It was propaly Genn. Bad Worgen is bad.

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