Don’t start contradicting yourself now, please.

On the PvE side the goal is that the PvE items are generally adequate for PvP, with some items that may be really good for PvP - maybe even the best by a small margin.
And if some PvE items are better than the corresponding PvP items by a huge margin, then they will nerf them.
That also seems like a rather realistic goal to achieve.
Right… Yeah… Except… It has almost always taken entire seasons for them to even react, and BFA has basically been an entire expansion where they never even learned the lesson of what they kept nerfing at the end of seasons.

For once it’s not a case where Blizzard and the players fundamentally disagree on the design goal. Desired implementation may differ, but the end goal seems the same, so I don’t see a huge cause for concern.
No, they want raiders to have an advantage. That’s clear as day.
The only thing of actual advantage for PvPers in SL’s design is the way they lock the borrowed powers swapping behind time gates, that’ll keep PvEers out at the start of tiers, or if not then they’ll suffer worse borrowed powers.