SL Trinket Bonus revealed

Gladiator’s Distinction The damage and healing benefit of Versatility is increased by 20% when in Arenas, Battlegrounds, and War Mode.

20% is a lot, that’s probably good enough to make pvp trinkets bis for pretty much everyone


I begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. (It’s funny because we’re going into the shadowlands)


I like it tbh maybe we get rid of fking pve trinkets


Depends on the interpretation. If the values will be like they have been on retail pre corruption, then we can expect 30% at max. If the trinket bonus will increase this value by 20%, then it would be 6% more damage and healing.

Do you think any meleecleave would drop drest for 6% more sustained? Or a wizzardcleave tripple claw in their setup? The answer is a clear NO!

Only if it will be basically 20% more offensive Versatility, which means 20% more damage and healing, then yes. That is so much that you would probably drop PvE trinkets.


Looks like itll be 20% of YOUR versatility.

Not straight up 20% more versa. So if u have 10% versatility which u probably will have in the first patch. Ull have 12% with the setbonus.

Which im fine with. I like pve trinkets in pvp. But i think a good amount of people here dont so i am clarifying.

That is correct. It’s true that you wouldn’t give up the current trinkets for 6% extra damage and healing, but that set bonus is likely going to be enough to make pvp trinkets better than the alternatives for most of the expansion, especially since it’s basically a free bonus, as you’ll be using one of your trinket slots on a medallion trinket pretty much regardless.

I used to have a pizzeria around the corner where you could get a free pizza on Wednesdays from 15€ order value. Sounded great, but it doesn’t change the fact that the pizza was just really bad and the shop went bankrupt because of it!

Someone has to explain Ion that pvp is different from pve. 6% flat more damage in pve would be great but means nothing in pvp, there only counts burst or overtuned defense to counter those burst!

And lets not forget that it is 6% at the very max. In the beginning of the expansion it is most likely around 3%.

Also depends. As a human you could depending on the comp went for double pve trinkets. And even if you wear only one, as I have said, nobody would drop something like drest or claw for this little bonus that will especially low in the early expansion!


It’s true that burst is more important but sustained damage definitely matters as well to some extent.

Maybe, although I very much doubt it.

Trinkets as strong as drest or claw generally don’t exist early in the expansion either, though.

Its not even 6%, because you go from 1.3 to 1.36 so the actual difference is 1.36/1.3 = 4.61% more damage


Not enough if the burst is too good. And based on experience it will be that good. Some trinkets were already revealed and some were really sick. And the strength of the bonus scales directly with the gear. So if I drop maybe just 1.5% of my damage but get a tank trinket for that keeps me alive, I would always do that.

Maybe not as strong but remember, they do not have to be as broken as they are right now. Very strong is already good enough, because the 6% is the very maximum you gain. That is something you can easily drop for a good alternative.

The target should be to remove pve trinkets from pvp completely. Easy solution that they could implement within a day if they wanted to: Damage and healing are reduced by 20% in pvp enviroment, double pvp trinket increase damage and healing by 25% in pvp enviroment!

Such a system would hold the whole expansion, no adjustment needed, everyone gets the same benefit from it and the difference is big enough that probably no pve trinket will be as good.

True. And if it will be down scaled because of the dr system for second stats, it will be even less.

Well this is something, i guess, but its gona be most likely around 5%dmg boost in s1, if u will have versa heavy gear, which u most likely should in pvp, as it looks so far.

If it was straight up lets say 5-10% dmg/healing it would be way better imo, not forcing everyone to stack one stat (which is kind of boring lets be honest), but hey, its something.



Why is it Versa and not just your highest secondary stat? unless every single spec of every class value’s Versa most in pvp, but is that the case?

And don’t some classes/specs gain a lot more from Versa then others?

You gotta hand it to them, this really isn’t a bad solution at all. Basically you get a “PvP stat” and a good pvp trinket all in one.

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bonus is garbage as expected.

Tank or auto proc dmg trinket will still be much much much more valuable than 3% dmg increase lol.

Look at versa amps at the moment… I mean it really only becomes effective after you stacked already 30% base vers and then increasing it with 100% amps.
20% will do nothing, especially without high base vers and max sockets.

The biggest downfall of it is that we need probably very long to reach full pvp gear making this bonus pretty bad till you got full versa gear.
Not going to be fun


If its rly just a flat buff to our versa stat i dont see this bonus beeing better than trinkets from the raid.

Look at this

Same things like now. Absorb tank trinkets. Heal trinkets so you dont need to spend mana. Instant dps trinkets. Dps proc trinkets. All from the raid.

Infuse your ally with a tuft of phoenix plumes, healing them for [7614 * (1 + Versatility)] after 6 sec, increased by up to 50% based on your target’s missing health. If your ally suffers lethal damage, this effect triggers instantly. (2 Min Cooldown

Use: Form Huntsman’s Bond with an ally for 30 sec. 25% of incoming damage will be redirected to your bonded ally, up to [16721 * (1 + Versatility)] total damage. (2 Min Cooldown

The trinket above will be a nightmare to all cc heavy combs like RMP since the killtarget can use this to break sheeps.

Equip: Your autoattacks have a high chance to steal 123 health, healing yourself for three times the health stolen. If this effect overheals, deal [105 * 5 * (1 + Versatility)] Physical damage to nearby enemies over 15 sec, but suppress the lifesteal effect

Just some examples.

Blizzard have been forthcoming, saying that if any trinkets appear overpowered or downright broken in PvP, they’ll nerf them.
PvE trinket effects being reduced in PvP is pretty common anyway.

What they have also said is that you’re not going to get your BiS gear from a single activity alone, because no single activity provides that for anyone.
So if some of the PvE trinkets end up being viable alternatives to the PvP trinkets for some specs, then that’s okay.
Again, the goal of these PvP itemization changes is not to make PvE gear useless, but to make PvP gear valuable. And that is definitely accomplished.

Cool Vision as you said. How you are going to nerf the reverse sacrifice trinket above? The dmg redirection itself can be nerfed but not the CC breaking effect. Things like this are also a problem.