Ok so hear me out:
What if we got a Raid/M+/PVP utility which would let us help teammates and still be thematically fitting. What if I told you its all in the game already but not usable.
DKs missing utility is a reason why were not getting into groups.
So my idea would be this: Delete Soulreaper. (Does anyone like that additional button anyway it? It just adds to buttonbloat in the Rotation).
Instead: Put in Vampiric the blood as the Row 9 button and as Capstone: “Vampiric Aura” (Legendary form Shadowlands).
“Vampiric Blood grants you 5% Leech and its duration is increased by 3 sec. Additionally, your Vampiric Blood affects all party members for 50% of the effect it has on you.”
For me this seems like a really fitting capstone for the blood aspect in the general talentree (beside ERW for Frost and AbomLimb for Unholy). Its good utility giving us Health/Leech as well as half of it to our Party. DK was always seen as a tanky class, why not embrace it more.
It could be fun to add that.
I m all in for a full rework tho!
The problem with current DK’s is that they can become easily OP thats why they dont touch them yet. I belive the reworks are comming for all specs.
We’re all in agreement that something needs doing.
Auras are a great idea.
I guess you’re also implying that Vampiric Blood becomes a baselines ability for all specs in order for this to work?
Either way, yet another defensive, and the removal of our reliable execute isn’t going to solve our utility problem. The proposed effect wasn’t any good back then either way.
I would focus on the passive aura idea. It could very much be that one of them is leech focused.
Make Soul Reaper baseline, make it a powerful DoT you’d want to keep up 100% of the time while the enemy is below 35%.
Vampiric Blood would be a excellent choice for a last tier just because of it being a great defensive and “oh shi-” button for the entire party.
Fixed it for you, and actually replace it with useful abilities like death syphon or conversion or whatever.
Idk, i like having execute abilities. But all to their own.
I just wish it was a different approach rather then “execute at home”
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