SL Warlock in PvP

Not a random S post, Just curious in what others think on this, a Decent geared SL warlock running meta, takes 0 damage, heals through a fully bis rank 10 MS warrior + rogue, even with reck up.

Is anyone else finding these unkillable?

And yeah i know alot of pvp aspects are broken atm, but i’ve never seen anything so 1 sides in this game like this.

Reminds me of a druids convoke in shadowlands, legit no counterplay, i even reflect drain life with engineer trinket and he still back peddles and outheals everything by the time it comes back up…

  • Takes 0 damage with how much armor he has.

Most likely 60%

Just bring any spell caster and do 100% dmg to that lock and melt him

Another day another warrior whine post

You cant have META and SL active at the same time


SL (Siphon Life) is really bad, borderline waste of GCD. It does half of drain life tick every 3 seconds and fights in SoD take 10 seconds if you are lucky vs other casters.

Main power of Meta build comes from its tankiness, instant SP (good luck hardcasting something in the current PVP), synergy with infernal armor (gives you magic damage reduction equal to your physical armor damage reduction) and existance of master channeller rune which is the spell that gives you the staying power in Meta, not SL. For comparison, drain life with MC rune will heal for 9 times more than SL during same time period but both require GCD.

Also other spells have priority over SL for both total damage and DPS purposes as it tick for only 33 + 5% SP every 3 seconds (330 + 50 % over 30 seconds) while other spells can do the twice damage over half the time or same damage instantly in case of Searing Pain.

However physical classes that have no way of penetrating armor are so bad vs Meta that even SL might look as strong spell to them.

I think he means SL like Soul Link.
Because he did not read the patch notes 6 months ago that soul link and metamorphosis can no longer coexist.

He talks about a build that is only existant in his phantasy.

And that is normal with ppl whining about other classes, 99% have no idea and make up imaginary things because wah wah i suck at this game

SL is really trash tier , it only work against melee cuz you can heal yourself while dodging all their hit with the 30% dodge.

but since you can’t use it while stunned you still get one shot under one stun by rogues.

the pet bug make sl/warlock unplayable in pvp atm tho.