Slam or Rend?

Hello my fellow Zug Zug enjoyers. Been doing some brainstorming with a friend of mine (smashing our empty heads together really hard) and came to the conclusion that pressing thunderclap for rend or rend itself might be a damage loss.

The recent slam buffs paired up with Barbaric Training sometimes makes this button hit for 800-900k, where as one rend does ± 400,000 damage over TWENTY SECONDS.

Still, it feels very awkward to try and get slam out sometimes due to the TWW rage regeneration changes they decided to do for some reason. There’s a lot of downtime and it feels like you barely have enough rage for hamstring/Mortal Strike at times.

Any woyer enjoyers got those things called “thoughts” on this? BIG SWORD HIT or small sword hit & stinky bleed dam?

Rend does 700k dmg without the inital hit when deep wounds are up. Dont rly want to pick the slam talent as your points are alrdy super limited in class tree. In the 700k there arent colossus and roar buffs included yet. Slam might be around rend in ST scenario but as soon as you clap more targets it should be clear. Rend no brainer for me. Could slam when rend still has a lot of uptime in ST scenario but as you said, cant rly press it.

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