Slay Monstrosities in Torghast’s Twisting Corridors

I think the rewards for so much time in torghast are rubbish, I got to floor 36 then the boss one hit me, which didn’t bother me it was fun and challenging but no rewards it doesn’t need to be gear but something anything lol. First reward at 36 sucks to be honest.

did all 8 layers. most boring content i’ve done. would rather farm the insane title again.


I got to floor 9 before switching off my computer and reading a book became so tempting that I actually did that, off topic but interesting, The Pre Columbian Amazon is a really interesting topic.

It seems like they’re running dry on ideas on Torghast at this point. They’ve pretty much run dry on the “plot armour” that they use to funnel people into Torghast so they try to entice people into Torghast by promising a mount.

It’s just that Twisting Corridors came too late, people have already caught up on how much of a terrible idea the Maw is. The rewards isn’t enough, and having to do 144 floors - each taking between 1-4 hours depending on your luck - for a mount simply isn’t worth it.

Admit your mistakes Blizzard, remove the freaking no-mount bull from the Maw and add some proper rewards to Twisting Corridors. And while you’re at it, shave of 10 floors from each layer, 18 floors taking anywhere from 2-4 hours to do (or more if you’re unlucky) is just utter bull.

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Ahahahaha. I managed to do it but I’m never setting foot there again. I still can’t even look at normal Torghast for ash I’m like nooooo I’m on cooldown.

I miss BfA visions so much, it was usefull for sockets and corruptions at least and pretty fun beating 5 masks for first time, felt like Hero… But this? Hate Torghast since day one, boring, depressive, some situtations are pretty unbalanced and so fun killing… Same with Raid, for example Ethernal Palace was something amazing for eyes and ears but this Castle crap? Sorry, just my opinion :slight_smile:

Blizzard: “Successfully completing a key Layer will grant you an achievement along with a reward worthy of the most powerful adventurers”.
gives me a pet and a toy
Me: Am I a joke to u?

4 rewards for 8 layers.

I don’t mind that you designed this to be a once done deal thing, but at least you could have made it 8 rewards. one per layer.

this was just sad… It felt like 4 layers were a waste of time.

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Around 20 hours of game play in there failed 5 times at layer 8, 2 times at floor 17.

Was hard earned but I just did it!

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Revert Death Strike nerf already.


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Thank you :grin: I’m having a victory drink aha. Cheers :beers:

I like the idea of a special area of Thorgast to unlock some rewards but:
A) The rewards are kinda miserable considering the amount of time you need to invest.
B) 18 floors is an overkill, 12 would have sufficed. The last 6 layers do not even add more difficulty because of all the powers you get, it is just insane killing and grinding.

sincerely im preferring “The Boundless Sea: A Human History of the Oceans” by David Abulafia. After 10 floors is perfect

Btz: Gz Erney!


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