Slightly worried about the horde population (Firemaw)

Hey there
I came back after a 7 months break on my Horde character on Firemaw.
Before that I checked Alliance side, Stormwind, and I saw A LOT of players.
In Orgrimmar I found 3 (three!) players with /who
What happened?
Is it just me?
Or are the players elsewhere?
Thanks for replies

Yeah apparently people on pvp servers donā€™t like to PvP so they went all alliance on Firemaw and all horde on Gehennas.
And Blizzard didnā€™t lock server population to keep it balance so PvP servers are kinda dead.


PVP servers seem all to be monofaction.

Not really. Firemaw used to be a balanced realm but very popular. Then for some reason blizzard made a terrible mistake and opened free realm transfers to a really low pop realm, and that low-pop realm had the option to free transfer to Gehennas. So all the horde players abused this loop hole and did two transfers to get off Firemaw into Gehennas for free. Resulting in Firemaw being 99.9% alliance now.

it was like that for years, so nothing really surprising there.

You kinda confirm what Iā€™m saying though, Blizzard didnā€™t lock server population balance (like they do in SoD) and players chose to make one pvp server full alliance and another full horde. Iā€™m extrapolating saying they donā€™t like to pvp but thatā€™s kinda how it feels as a returning player for cata.

Itā€™s surprising mainly for players who joined for cata but didnā€™t play Wotlk.

Several months after the release of SoD weā€™re seeing the same phenomenon yet again. The biggest servers in both regions are now PVE servers, which at the peak of SoD were half the size of the PVP servers. With the PVP servers becoming increasingly imbalanced itā€™s only a matter of time before the minority faction abandons ship completely.

You think you do, but you donā€™t.


Someone also mentioned it but there was a loophole that allowed players to free transfer from Firemaw to Gehennas, that resulted in a snowball effect as the entire Horde moved to Gehennas in the space of about a week. That was much longer than 7 months ago though, actually at the end of TBCC if I remember right.

People are pathetic sheep and most rolled on a pvp server without wanting to pvpā€¦ just wanted a cool server tag.
Every server is a pve server nowā€¦ itā€™s all monofaction. But since people donā€™t talk or interact with each other anymore outside of guilds it might aswell be a single player game.
Do urself a favor and donā€™t play Cataā€¦ huge letdown


Horde on Firemaw was already dying out because streamers were playing Alliance on it so we went from 50/50 in phase 1 to maybe 30% Horde in the last phase. The free transfer was the nail in the coffin. Bobby will be looking forward to your payment.

If you want to go horde, Gehennas is probably your only option, Firemaw is ally 99% server so horde is dead there. Both eu pvp servers are now pretty much ā€œfakeā€ pvp since they only contain one faction mostly.
Btw, judjing by your name, you could probably also enjoy Flamegor (ru), around 70% horde

Yeah, locking faction balance on SoD made people realize they want to play on PvE servers after all. I just stopped logging after the crapshoot that were incursions. Not gonna be free entertainment to a bunch of psychopaths camping the gates 24/7. If I come back for MC raid and lvl 60 experience, Iā€™ll transfer too, Iā€™m too old to be some zoomerā€™s target practice.

I reckon lvl 60 will be pretty rough on the PVP servers. Living Flame is 45/55, which might not sound like that big of an imbalance but you definitely notice it. The entrance to MC or even BRM itself will be relentlessly camped, people will get sick of it and transfer off if they can. Sooner or later you will have the PVE servers, and the mono faction horde PVP servers.

Well, wpvp in classic is wild and can be quite frustrating so itā€™s no wonder that many people choose PvE servers instead (and itā€™s fine, Iā€™d rather have fewer people playing on PvP servers but less whiners).
As to the PvP issues in SoD atm I reckon a lot has to do with class imbalance too that makes wpvp frustrating if you donā€™t play rogue/shaman/hunt/sp/boomy.
Gotta see how they plan on making it better for P4. Although 1v1 has never been the focus for pvp balance it might be a bit better once pvp sets are out. (Hopefully proper pvp items and not like the R7 set that doesnā€™t give more stam than the PvE one.)

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I came back after 10ish years, got a 1 month subscription to test wow a bit again.
(tested retail and classic: retail was horrible and classic are missing some stuff I need :wink:

(very disappointed my characters are stuck in retail btw; I spent hundreds of hours on them; but now they are in a game I donā€™t like; and I canā€™t get them outā€¦)

Iā€™ leveled alliance character to level 40 on Firemaw today; before I knew about the population issue. (Why did you let me make a alliance character on that server; when its practically only alliance there?? And I had 0 characters there before I started playing a few days ago too - so you could have easily said; NO to me. Iā€™m confused as s :wink:
Itā€™s a PVP server - try to balance populationsā€¦!

Itā€™ was very odd to not run into horde players here and there when i was leveling; and when I started investigating; i found out there just arnā€™t horde on the server!
Feeling a bit disappointed; and considering my options (ā€œlosingā€ my characters to retail is also apart of the frustration of courseā€¦ :frowning:


When you run a PvP server; with two factions: Of course one of your main priorities should be to try to even the playerbaseā€¦ why arnā€™t you doing it? Incentivize migrations to balance the populations as much as you canā€¦

(Another post here mentions you offered to merge realms somewhere; and playerbase said no?
What in the world does the playerbase opinion have to do with you trying to control population on a PVP realm - where equalish factions is one of the most important factors?? You canā€™t listen to the players when it goes against the essence/vital component of the pvp classification!
If they donā€™t want to world PVP they can make characters where thatā€™s not a requirement/expected. The PVP classification is important. World PVP is an important part of that - someone voting against measures to make factions equalish shouldnā€™t be on a PVP realm; and you clearly shouldnā€™t be listening to a playerbase that doesnā€™t want to be on a PVP realm on a PVP serverā€¦`?.)

Iā€™m not sure I want to play much more if there isnā€™t a server that isnā€™t somewhat balanced - please try to fix this Blizzard :slight_smile: Doesnā€™t have to be perfect; but working to make it better is something one can always doā€¦!

I tried to Migrate my Alliance character with free migration to Gehennas and Golemagg; but the confirm button is grey. Why in the world isnā€™t there a free migration for alliance characters from firemaw to high horde dominated servers?? And vice-versaā€¦?
Are you even addressing the issue here at all?

If you havenā€™t tried already, give SoD a shot. Itā€™s pretty funky to jump back into classic wow but with enough of a twist that it feels like a new game and pvp servers population is controlled. Itā€™s a bit dead atm since the devs are on cata but they just released a ptr for the max level phase coming in a few weeks which means you get to try all classes and specs. Good time to give it a shot and have time to level up for phase 4.

Couldnā€™t agree more! This 100% the biggest issue in Cata (and Wotlk before)ā€¦ people not wanting to pvp and rolling on pvp servers anyway because they thought it looked cool, completely messed up the game for the real PvP players.
But ofcourse Blizzard should have taken actionā€¦ implementing faction caps would have been super easy. But as usual they just sat there and watched while the game was ruined by sheepish behavior of a playerbase that constantly keeps ruining their own experience

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