<slinks> Recruiting - Horde Guild

Hi Flamelash,

Slinks (H - 10/10 - 1/1) are recruiting a few more talented members to join our ranks as we expand our roster to two weekly MC clearing raiding groups.

We’re especially looking for k33n Warlocks, Resto Druids/Shammy’s. If you feel like you have allot to offer as another class and want an active spot on our raiding roster, we’re certainly interested in hearing from you too!

Slinks are a high performance guild with casual raiding times. Our raiding schedule is currently Wednesday (MC) and Sundays (Ony) 20:00 Server Time for Raid Group 1, and Thursday (MC) and Sundays (Ony) 20:00 Server Time for Raid Group 2.

The guild is super active and supportive outside of raiding. We host daily PvP death balls (with multiple high warlords in the making), dungeon speed runs (for fun and $$), planning for BWL already and in general we promote a positive and fun environment.

We do expect you to have a knowledge of the current tier content (boss fights etc.) and to be actively working on pre-raid BiS items. The rest will come with time!

If this all sounds like you, please contact Dreámz, Sanctified, Jimminho, Wagonwheel or myself (Tempest) ingame to discuss :slight_smile:


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