Slow game, like 30hz

Hello, I have a problem. When I turn off the game it causes a severe stutter that runs at 30 frames per second. But when I click somewhere on the desktop that the game will be universal, I can see that it runs smoothly. Once you click on the game, continue at 30 frames per second… restart your computer, game files, device monitoring the sender which is the game (I have two monitors), graphics settings that are not available. Access problem only with this game… Please help.

Check under graphics options if the max foreground fps is not set to 30, or disable it.

Welcome to the club. I’ve had a massive stutterfest in-game for some time now. Couple of weeks, I guess. I’ve tried troubleshooting as per Blizzards own recommendations, tried the fanbase recommendations as well, tried clobbering the graphics settings down in the dirt…

Nothing. As it is, my game runs just as well at 10 as 1, which isn’t exactly a good thing.

any update for this? Not sure if it same but i think i have same problem. Game stutter AF i have same problem also with classic WOTLK when i enter dungeon it start stutter. Both games show stable 60 FPS but it look like 30-40 after few /reload it repair self and again smooth 60. Tested WITHOUT any addons. Core i9 and RTX GPU. Other games i dont have problems. Dragonflight is broken since release. Worst optimalization expansion ever. Cmoon blizzard 5GHz CPU and 30 FPS in valdraken :rage:

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