Hey everyone,
I’ve been thinking a lot about how much I love the old zones in World of Warcraft and how amazing it would be to see them receive some love in retail. While Chromie Time lets us revisit past expansions, many zones feel empty and outdated, with very few NPCs or dynamic events compared to the more recent areas.
Revamping Older Zones
It would be awesome if Blizzard could:
- Populate old zones with more NPCs, making them feel more alive with patrols, small events, or ambient interactions.
- Improve visuals while keeping their original charm—small updates like better lighting, updated textures, and denser foliage.
- Add more side quests or random encounters that give players a reason to return to older areas beyond nostalgia.
Slowmode Ironman: A More Immersive Leveling Option
Retail WoW has a fast leveling experience, which is great for those who want to level alts quickly, but I’d love an option for those who enjoy a slower, more lore-driven journey. Here’s an idea:
- A “Slowmode Ironman” toggle that significantly reduces experience gain, allowing players to truly experience the zones, quests, and world at a more natural pace.
- Possibly restricting gear upgrades, buffs, or other conveniences for those who want a true Ironman-style challenge.
- Encouraging exploration and creating a deeper connection to the world by making progress feel more meaningful.
Would anyone else be interested in something like this? I know Classic exists, but it’s a different experience compared to retail’s mechanics and quality-of-life improvements.