Slows and mountspeed

So ye,
Trying to get some world Pvp kills for the new weekly quest and noticed this annoying thing.

I cant kill anything that is running away on a mount.

As feral i got a 20% slow, and everyone just outruns me on mount even with the rake slow on.
I have to burn to dash and stampeding roar to keep up with them, i even use entangling roots and stuns till dr.

If im lucky with some crits i might get the target to 40/50% before they are well out my range.
Even worse is half of the time they run away heal up and come back to zerg me cause i dr’d them on root and stun and popped some mayor cd’s to get to them(75% of the enemy’s i encounter seem to play ret pala and takes them 5 sec to 100-0 me)

Would be awsome to let the Net-o-matic 5000 work on ground mounts aswell.

I think warmode really opened up opportunities for some crazy stuff. So I am for this change, as well as for other items, like:

  • Item to drastically increase stealth detection
  • BG consumables usable in warmode
  • Item to track enemy players on the world map within a given range

I am no pro Feral, but I love it when they run. Resource gatherers are one of my fav targets. Usually easier to catch them, than ones actually trying to escape. But both are doable.

To keep pace, I switch to travel form. Glider comes in handy for closing distance, depending on terrain. I tend to WPvP where glider is useful. If you have the Moonfire talent, spamming it when out of melee range can kill em. Especially fun when gliding. Wild Charge is very good. Sometimes Skull Bash is good for closing too, but supposed to save it. Apart from that, try saving roots and stuns for good moments.

It aInt always easy. There is no escape, but sometimes they escape. Often, once their hp is down a bit, they feel like fighting, and can be finished off. Especially fun if you have Thorns and it’s a melee. They gonna be mad and kill themselves on your spikes hehe.

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