Small but important changes that need to happen for Fury

Fury as a spec has a lot of problems at the moment but there are some small changes that can fix some problems.
First off Raging Blow does too much as a button and it makes Execute look like a joke when comparing them, Raging Blow has 150% attack power value from each hand on baseline and Execute has 214% attack power value from each hand on baseline so Execute is 43% stronger than Raging Blow when compared without any talents effect, However…
Raging Blow’s damage gets increased by 30% from the talents that exist in Fury’s talent tree, It empowers your next Rampage or Bloodthirst and gets 30% increased damage from Slayer or 25% increased damage from Mountain Thane, So Execute simply falls behind on damage and only generates more rage than Raging Blow so it is a problem that a button which can be used regularly in the rotation and more or less acts as a filler outperforms a button that can be used on special circumstances.
So the solutions to this problem are:
1.Make the talent Wrath and Fury to buff Execute aswell.
2.Reduce the value of each stack of the talent Slaughtering strikes and make it so that Execute gives a stack aswell.
3.Make Critical Thinking affect Execute aswell.
4.Make Slayer’s Malice to buff Execute aswell for a different amount compared to it’s Raging blow value.
These changes would basically make Execute to appear more in Fury’s talent tree and benefit from some talents and ultimately it would make Execute a better button than Raging Blow.
With the redesign of the talent Titan’s Torment, Odyn’s Fury is losing 20% damage when used on the times that Avatar is on cooldown so it needs a buff as compensation and the button has been nuked with nerfs since the early weeks of season one.
Unbridled Ferocity and Depths of Insanity talents have been dead capstones for a long time, They need either to be reworked or buffed; It feels bad to barely have any good capstone in your spec tree.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These changes are mainly focused for PvE, I don’t know how the tuning is for Fury in PvP.

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