Snapdragon Treats

Anyone else suffering from horrible drop rates on these things?
The “common” ones, e.g the ones you can always get seem to drop easily enough, usually less than 30 minutes.

But the invasion specific ones just don’t seem to drop whatsoever…
spent hours farming the Crimson Snapdragon Treat, but killing anything Bilge Rat on the Isle, and it just doesn’t drop…

Why is the drop rate for something that’s just a color change of a quest-chain-locked-mount so horrendous?
I’ve seen the parrot pet drop more than these treats already.

I got my snapdragon mount yesterday and the quest where it wanted snacks from the storm was… Interesting. especially when you have a pack of extremely angry crawfish with buffed claws who look like they might have some snacks and if you survive they laugh and they die saying “hah… enjoy your empty snail shell and 3 pieces of ore”

Storminfused treat dropped after like 10 minutes for me from just farming the small ones.
It’s the “common” treats and they drop easily.
for me at least.

Oh I get your post now, sorry was jumping fropm post to post and just saw you meant the colour changing treats. I havent even begun to start farming those, I’ll likely never use the mount anyway.

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