Sneezing Bear Inn- Silvermoon EU is Recruiting HC/MYTHIC 6/9M

:bear: Welcome to the Sneezing Bear Inn! :bear:

Grab a drink and join our table!

“Sneezing Bear Inn”, Silvermoon, is open to members to take a seat alongside our family-like, semi-hardcore raiding guild. SBI have created a community that is a solid and friendly core group, focused on heroic and mythic raiding, also having fun with other activities like m+, alt raids, and other social events.

The raiding roster is around 20-25 people. We want to create the feeling where you got home from work and login to wow to be greeted with your usual guildies, an online roster filled with friendly names.

:shield: Aims:
We are aiming to clear 75% of the raids in The War Within on Mythic. Our intentions for raiding is to never give up on the “fun” in order to progress. Before the tier ends. We also host a healthy mythic plus community who enjoys pushing high level keys.

:crossed_swords: Progression:
Nerub’ar Palace: 6/8
Amirdrassil: 5/9M
Aberrus: 7/9M
Vault: 5/8M

:alarm_clock: Raid times:

Monday 20:00-22:30 ST
Wednesdays 20:00-22:30 ST

:email: Recruiting

  • ANY Tank Spec
  • Holy Paladin/MW Monk
  • Unholy/Frost DK

Any exceptional players will also be considered no matter the class/spec.

Even if you are not considering raiding or we aren’t looking for your class please apply for a social position. we are also looking for:

  • Competitive M+ pushing people, we have a lot of peeps that are pushing that are looking to form longer lasting pushing groups;
  • Mature and well behaved players, patient and drama free;
  • Players who wants to stick with us throughout expansions
  • Players who will be regulars in our inn
  • If you just wanna be a social player and hang with us in the inn, you are always welcome to join

If SBI Feels like an Inn you would like to join then send us a message on:

Guilds of wow: Sneezing Bear Inn
Discord: Ffileaf (GM)

We’re still recruiting, especially we’re still looking for a solid tank. A nice bonus if you are interested - a quite active and thirsty M+ scene in the guild that lacks tanks, so if you’re into M+ - there will be plenty to do :smiley: