Sniper shot 574k. Great game design

20%… haaaaaaahhhhh.

In the best case with my lock I had 1,4k health.


My record is 650k. Skillzz

rookie numbers.

But how it can be skillz? :smiley:
Its 20% from the health, but other usable CDs can boost up this 20% to more? I was in arena, that is why Im curious :smiley:

It was a joke. I only need to move my pinkie once to hit for half your hp. Also yeah, modifiers can increase its dmg higher than 20%

wait until you’re against double MM cheese. that’s always fun. XD

Its called ‘sniper shot’ for a reason; it does deadly dmg, what do you expect? In 99% of other games you die instantly if you get snipered. It should of been the same when hit by the MM, be happy that you got away with 50% health intact.

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That’s is some head stuck in butt logic hahah


We are professional shooters; that is why we are called ‘MARKSMANSHIP’. We are a sharp shooter that NEVER misses our shots. Our shots should hit people harder than a train, and our hit range has to be intercontinental missile rockets that can reach people anywhere across the map in BGs and Arena. Thats what OUR spec should be capable of but Blizzard wont let MM thrive.

  • queues up temple of kotmogu
  • gets berserker buff
  • gets saltwater potion
  • waits for a guy to get a lot of stacks with the orb
  • does 600k sniper shot
  • makes some guy gaslight forum post
  • giggles

I wonder who the gigachad is


Straight from 3s arena.


How dumb can someone be to let the MM do 5 sniper shots?

UAHAHAHAHAHA orb in kotmogu salt and zerg 600k? u live under a rock. u need MAYBE only zerg for that.

i got 1mil glacial on orb without salt, zerg and iceform, i can only assume with snipershot i could get 10m.

Hold my beer

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