So about 9.1 gearing

They aren’t difficult, but it would allow open worlders to have an advantage enough to beat rares/elites without much trouble, even though its ilvl is lower.

I mean… do you mind doing wq’s faster on alts? I certainly don’t.
Would basically make my main which has 215 ilvl closer to my alt which has let’s say 195ilvl but only Open World gear.

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find it on icy veins i cant post links.

Disregarding my bag space which would become even more limited… some players like myself like doing multiple types of content.

So yeah… basically like corruption where i had AOE corruption effects for M+, versus other ST effects which mainly used in raids.

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So it seems he talked about PVP gear too… then it’d make sense for other content to have the same “benefits”.

It has always been the case, more especially in latest expansion. I mean, as a paladin main, I had :
-1 gear set for ret for pure st, aka raiding
-1 gear set for ret for M+.
-1 gear set for ret for balanced M+ or bosses with adds spawns
-1 protection paladin set.

Yeah, if they were bringin this system then it would be the same, in a way.

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If they bring such a system then the game is really going to die out. Whey not just make fun content and give us pve currencies / pvp currencies like wotlk. And the sugar for the elitist would be the t set bonus on 4 items out of the raid. So m+15 would be doable without tset and just to be honest it would not give anyone an advantage to have that gear in m+

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if they do i wish they implement some sort of mobile storage or something like the sets you can already create at your character screen.

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Oh i have plenty of sets lol… m+, raids, aoe, ST combos, PVP/Open World, Speed set for SL, Speed set for Azeroth…

Anyway… it seems like it’ll probably be something along the lines of Benthic gear, where besides Nazjatar it provided effects in EP, so this time it’s going to be “EP” only.

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So you’re askin Blizzard to get good ideas XD

So Blizzard could design a good benthic system in the end…

well i dont know mate its really early for talking that but if they do raiding gear better raids only and dungeon gear better on dungeon only well… its rip to the vault i guess.

Raid: gear set
Dungeon: gear set
World : gear set

Sounds like a system of a system of a system

I don’t like this change:

  • it will split the community even more
  • i will have to fill my inventory with more items, also manage a lot of sets
  • spliting dungoen and raid content gear doesn’t make sense at all. If you split items, just make pvp vs pve
  • m+ pugs will become even more toxic with requirements towards pugs, to have all max powers for +4 dungoen
  • gearing in raid is ridiculous atm, forcing raiders to only rely on raid gear to progress character power doesn’t sound good with current drop rates/no extra rolls.
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We had that last expac with EP no problem had fun quirks .

I love all the fake rage like we never had procs before for raids only .

Just for Rayz to make it easier even still for link

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I just hope the effects aren’t boring…

They should have stuff that changes your rotation/priority, like:

  • Casting Crusader Strike one after the other makes your next Blade of Justice trigger a Templar’s Verdict. So it’ll be basically like doing a combo move A > A > B = boom as a reward.
  • Every second not casting Templar’s Verdict increases the damage of your next Templar’s Verdict by 20%, up to 5 stacks. So it’ll encourage you to prioritize your generators, or maybe if you’re swimming in HP then simply use Divine Storm in between.
  • Casting two Divine Storms both within 6 seconds makes your next Blade of Justice call swords of light to rain down on any nearby enemies near its target.

I mean… there is a lot of cool stuff they could add.


“World Content” lmfao, get a grip mate you can kill those npcs without any gear equipped at all.


Dont understand why you have to belittle people over there content there is no need for it only person that needs to get a grip is you and of your manners .

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Could be cool but… Until I don’t see, I can’t tell if it’s good or not. I can’t feel it neither!

It could be like the Beth gear from EP like for example belt and gloves were good and had a proc if i remember ? have to wait and see just hope they do it right :slight_smile:

In BFA and now in Shadowlands, blizzard have tried a policy of partitioning different game activities in silos. Once upon a time, if you wanted the best gear, there was a specific place to get it and once you had it, it was good for all forms of the game.

Problematically, it meant people could complete the game too quickly and harmed the MAU numbers.

By separating every activity into smaller and smaller silos, you can force people to spend more time in the game as they try to collect all the different forms of gear.

The shareholders will be delighted.

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PvP gear being good only in PvP, dungeon gear being good only in dungeons, raid gear being good only in raids. That’s what we need with proper gearing systems.

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