So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs

Anyone saw that ?
That’s mostly coming from a meetup with AWC and MDI competitors

And I know you all hate him but here’s a call between Asmon and Snutz.

I am just curious as to how they have reached that conclusion. That looks really greedy to me and a way to use players as cashcows, moreso than ever.

What are your thoughts about it ? Keep it civil though. I know that story will be forgotten in like 3 days but I still wanted to hear your inputs on it.


Sad to see whats happening to Blizzard as a company, they used to be the best in the world in my eyes and now i value them less than the garbage i took out earlier today… horrible decision after horrible scummy trash decision…


I honestly could not care less :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and I’m not saying that to be edgy or rebellious or whatever I just don’t care.

Could’ve not reacted but you asked our thoughts so there it is :sweat_smile:


That’s fine too ! I’m happy to read people thoughts about it, that’s mostly why I created the thread, as for myself it doesn’t impact me anymore too, just another shenanigan to the collection :smiley:

In the past they were for me too, just after Arena net, nowadays though, I don’t hold any company above the others :frowning:

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Yeah and I’ve yet to see any proof beside maths genius guessing that (1/0.25) X 660k = 2.5 M that Blizzard indeed paid nothing out of the prize pool.

I’ll reserve my jugement for when I see any concrete evidence (and won’t watch the clown you linked, I can accept preach every now and then for raid testing but I won’t go any further)


Could we get a summary of said “drama”. I am not going to reach for my headphones just to listen a Youtuber I see offering little value.

I did read the reddit post at least. So the issue is on the toys money Blizzard decided to keep ? And could we get also source of that other than reddit posts opinion of how much money Blizzard got.

The most you can get I guess is from reading the replies from Snutz on his twitter.

Between this one and other tweets, but we still need to wait an official answer, yes.

The point of the video is not Asmon reactions, it’s to hear what Snutz has to say.


Cheers for link. Appreciated. Least between some tweets and things, I see better why people are upset.

I’m not sure why this was a surprise. At the time they stated it would only be 25% of the sale going to the prize fund.

It was criticised back then as well from what I remember.


As it rightfully should have been, this was an incredibly scum move from Blizzard and your “lol well told you guys” doesn’t excuse their revolting actions


They stated that 500.000$ provided by Blizzard +25% of sales is going for the price pool. It turns out that it is OVERALL 500k and all of it was financed by the sales of the toys, even tho 25% of the sales turned out to be more than 500k.


For a limited time, every purchase of the Transmorpher Beacon or Lion’s Pride and Horde’s Might Fireworks, 25% of the proceeds will contribute toward the year’s finals LAN event prize pool for the Arena World Championship (AWC) and the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) with a guaranteed minimum prize pool of $500,000 USD ($250,000 USD for each event.) Your support will help take the WoW esports prize pool to the next level.

That was what they actually said.


You have no idea what my opinion is on this either way. I stated what information was available and that I’m surprised anyone is reacting as if this is new news.


Well then state your opinion in a clear and direct manner, because the way your original post was formulated, it seemed and was heavily implied that you were defending their actions


It doesn’t surprise me. They set the net and the fish swam in it.

I don’t have to state anything. I will give my opinion when I want to. You presuming is your problem.

I stand by my statement that I’m surprised that this has come as a shock when it was clearly stated when the toys went on sale. It was also discussed and criticised on the forums and various other places such as reddit, MMO Champion etc.

I’m very cynical when streamers seek to bring up things up that they know will get a certain reaction from their followers when it is not new information or even a new discussion.


Then don’t add any comments if you “have nothing to say”

Just post the News links and exit the thread if you just want to remind people of this information


All i see is that they are guaranteeing the prize pool to be atleast 500k.


I have plenty to say. You don’t get to dictate that either :wink:


Which turned out to be max 500k.