So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs

all im getting from this thread is that everyone is greedy, blizzard is greedy, the players are greedy, i’m greedy for not buying into it.

long story short people are hypocrites, complaining about other peoples money, because of money.

At the end of the day, blizzard organises these events to make money and that is how it always has been and always will be…

That being said, the people are likely free to make their own non-profit tournament.


It’s you problem that you didn’t expect people to react again and as much is they want to, isn’t it?

I don’t agree. I just wait to see what old news people drag up next for more mock shock.


I don’t agree with you too. It’s Blizzcon week, exactly the moment, to remind them that people see that the company turned into sh!t.


It’s Blizzcon on Friday so a minority who really seem to hate the game and the company are hell bent on complaining about anything and everything they can.

Many of us wont care about old news and will be hyped and still enjoy Blizzcon and buy their products and pay for a sub.


The problem is, people expected Blizzard to behave like non-greedy companies and add to the prize pool on top of what the players funded buying the toy.
I could have told you it was going to end up like this when the toy was first announced, because Blizz aren’t what they used to be.
Disappointed? Yeah. Surprised? Not in the slightest.


The only people who would even be happy if it was done that way are the ones who win.

Everyone else just gets nothing either way, and quite frankly we don’t need more arena encouragement in the game anyway…

I mean that is, after all, why every single class has little real identity now.

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Scummy move, but ultimately unsurprising for activision 2k19.


At the end of the day, some e-sports players like the one quoted above (Snutz, was it…?) have got to the stage where their egos have got out of control & they think they’re bigger than any game they play & that said games should be thankful that they play them…
Newsflash; just like any modern day celebrity, you can be supplanted in a heartbeat - if what’s happened since you signed up to play isn’t to your liking, by the time the tournament you’re due to play in comes around… pull out of the tournament & let someone with a more reined in ego take your place.

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Blizzard are a disgusting company. I hope all hell breaks loose during Blizzcon.

It’s contrary to standart practise. It is not just bad PR, it is a sh*tty move. No other crowd funded tournament is like that. The publisher chips in the minimum and everything else on top is due to the players. Here 100% of the prize pool is from the players, they are not helping to build the prize pool, they single handedly made it 660k…

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There is no bad PR because this was announced when the toys went on sale.

we want to give fans a chance to further support the programs

proceeds will contribute to the year’s final LAN event prize pools

25% of the proceeds will contribute toward the year’s finals LAN event prize pool for the Arena World Championship (AWC) and the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) with a guaranteed minimum prize pool of $500,000 USD ($250,000 USD for each event.)


It’s intentionally missleading and it is against standart industry pranctise! Do you think that players would purchise as many toys, if they knew that 100% of the prize pool would be made by them?

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They didn’t mislead anyone. They didn’t hide anything. They clearly stated what they were doing.


Lol, no… They didn’t. If they did, nobody would buy the toys.

They did. One could easily understand that the 250000$ minimum is what they put to the table, and then 25% of proceeds add up to that, especially since that’s the industry standard. Instead, they took the greedy route.


By the industry standart this means that Blizzard are going to chip in 500k and everything above that would be crowd funded.

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For everyone that can read basic English it should have been clear. Stop buying toys and other vanity items and even cancel your sub if you don’t like that you’re playing a paid game.


It does not say they will do that. Just because people made presumptions and didn’t read what it actually says does not mean Blizz deceived anyone.

It does not state they will provide the prize fund and the toy sales will provide additional funding on top. It says that the toys sales will contribute to the fund, that the fund is guaranteed to be a minimum of bla. So basically if the sales fell short they would have to make up the difference because they guaranteed it.


As someone who don’t really care much about esports, I would still purchase them.
I’b buy it because I like it. Not because of what Blizzard does with the money they got from me.

It doesn’t say that they wouldn’t!