So about DH survivability...?

Last I tried DH was back in Shadowlands, and survivability was TERRIBLE… You basically had to either kite around and kill small mobs for health, or go Vengeance DH in order to have any type of self-healing… :grimacing:

But then DH got reworked in Dragonflight (I believe), and SO MANY PEOPLE have rolled DH now… And BOY are they hard to kill???

What has changed? :sweat_smile:

Did they get new self-healing?
Did they get more leech…?

I REALLY wanted to play DH in the past, but not being able to do solo content, or self-heal in PvP duels, really killed the class for me… But something is different now it seems?

Sigils with talents give you soul shard, sigil of spite gives you 4 soul shards and blood moon pvp talent give you large soul shard every 10 sec.

Plus in aldrachi reaver you are getting shilded for 15% of healed amount.

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Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile: Ill pick those then.

How is DH solo survivability atm compared to previous version? Still bad, or am I just “seeing things” whenever I encounter an enemy DH player?

Survivability is decent when you are able to press buttons and consume souls, until you are getting stunned when your pvp trinket is on cd.

Rogues, ferals and ret palas can kill literally in 2 gcd.


Thanks :slight_smile: Seems better than it used to then. I’ll give it a shot.

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DH survivability can easily be fixed by 1 simple thing, and that simple thing is making the talent ‘‘Feed The Demon’’ 1 point node. I simply cannot understand why that is actually a 2 point node. That will allow us to take Last Resort unpunished, and make our almost only mitigation have much higher uptime.


Not good atm, one stun and you are a goner.

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