So... another expansion without Metamorphosis

Despite countless posts about it with hundreds of replies and arguments as to why it should be in the game one way or another. Druids can have 4 specs so why can’t warlocks too? The gameplay played nothing like a Demon Hunter and it could easily be a 4th Warlock spec. Balancing the game never works either way so adding one more spec to a class wouldn’t hurt anyone and only bring back what was rightfully ours and even lore established thanks to the green fire questline. So why hasn’t Blizzard brought it back yet? The only explanation I have is that they just hate the class.

Not to mention they even put it in SoD just to sh** on every retail warlock’s face lmao. They acknowledge how awesome it is and yet still haven’t brought it back even though it would take so little effort to do so. Summoner spec is fun, but nothing comes close to how awesome MoP/WoD Metamoprohis was.


Couldn’t agree more,mop/wod era was superior across all 3 specs compared to live version

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At this point I am just happy we are eventually going to get WoD/MoP classic to enjoy Meta. Then I can kiss goodbye this Demonology which is almost a more visual version of Affliction.

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They should just make grimore become metamorhposis, Sac your own demon to become The Demon.
Obviously buff it by a alot and make it a final tier node in the class tree, not in any of the spec trees.
I know this wouldnt work well with demo but considering how that specs mastery works it would never have worked.

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