Not at all. Especially now when they’re actually starting to tinker around with the balancing numbers on these abilities. For example i would love to test the buffed Adaptive Swarm that lands on Wednesday, i doubt it will be strong enough but Adaptive Swarm at face value seems like it would fit me and my playstyle better than Kyrian or Night Fae, however am i willing to regrind 30+ renown just to try out a slight buff to a covenant ability that may not be up to par? No.
It’s an awful system, they should really uncouple the class covenant ablities and simply recolor them accordingly for each covenant, the covenant specific abilities and the soulbind trees can stay as they are i think. But the class covenant abilities being this restricted is just punishing your players for no good reason.
Yes, this i understand it…
I’m not thinking it as permanently change…
More like spicing up gameplay with the skills and soulbinds…see how they play effectively and such…
Generally i’m more to raiding (when i like the raid) and pvp (not super competitive,because time though) and some m+ with guild and friends and gf…
I won’t cry about the buildings personally…
They don’t mess my game…
For example if i want to go kyrian shadow priest for playing random bgs a week…just for playing it and for the lols or raid it for a week, while the other i can play rated as Venthyr, and then the other as fae for some m+ for example…i say i wouldn’t mind the buildings…
If i was to the achiever side that i would want every little thing a covenant offers…yes i agree i’d have a problem with this though…
The Kyrian ability for ret is most likely BiS for everything now and will still be on Wednesday so i wouldn’t actually gain anything power related by having the abilities uncoupled from the covenants.
But what i really want is to be able to play with them all, test different combinations and see what i can come up with, experiment… you know, have fun.
But no… we gotta be restricted to 1/4th of the new class abilities.
This expansion is such a let-down tbh, wasn’t expecting this… i sincerely had more fun in BFA with the different corruptions than i have now.
Why you may ask? Because even though getting them was rng(at the beginning at least), i could actually test them out and experiment with them, see what felt good.
Haste, mastery, TD, etc… at least i could freely experiment with them by switching gear.
Switching covenants isn’t feasible for me since i don’t want to re-grind all that anima again, i don’t like being set-back on my covenant progress, not at all, 2 times is the max for me i guess and i’d just quit the game before i go through with that stuff again…
Catch up is fine, if you don’t mind some RNG (or it being bugged like it was earlier in the expansion).
If I’m not mistaken, you will get ‘catchup mechanics’ until you are 2 levels from the maximum attainable renown level. So you’d get catch up until renown 38 (from this week on). But those last 2 just require the 2 weekly quests and you’d be done.
i would rather have it so we can swap seamlessly between the Covenants, yeah sure they want it to feel “impactfull” and for HYPER End-game, it probably does, sure, but that’s when people just pick the BiS for whatever content they are doing… I would much rather have it be cosmetic only, so people could go with whatever Covenant they please.
And yeah, the current Covenant system does create a mega divide, you can bet yer behind that you would get tossed out of key groups if you let it slip that you were IE: A Night-Fae Warrior or something like that
So yeah, Door of Shadows, or Soulshape, abilities like that could be kept to make them feel “unique”, but other than that i would rather them all just be cosmetic…