It might be the worst system Blizzard has ever created. It needlessly restricts players and stops them having fun how they want to have it, when they want to have it.
There are times where I’ve wanted to mess around with other skills just for a fun change while doing some activities - a swap to Flayed Shot, Faeline Stomp or Vesper Totem; it’s not because they’re better, but rather sometimes skills are just fun to use … Blizzard decided I’m not allowed to have that fun.
It all seems fairly fine to me. It makes sense that the Covenant-themed powers are tied to their respective Covenants.
I don’t see the doomsaying about being forced into a certain Covenant to avoid public shaming having turned into reality. People seem to pick whatever Covenant they want for whatever reason they might, and do fine with that.
The whole matter of changing Soulbinds and Conduits and such doesn’t really feel like an issue at all. Very rarely do I feel that I embark on such long and ongoing adventures in the game that I cannot easily go back to my Covenant and make changes. And for singular activities like Dungeons or Raids, I do kind of feel like people should commit a bit to a certain setup.
Hardly a lot and most of the links people are saying its a bad idea . In fact the majority of the forums didnt want this system .
I mean just read the little snippets under the ones you linked none of them happy about it .
Ofc you don’t, that was never going to happen even if the covenants would be unlocked. It’s simple, who had those fears don’t do high content where it matters and is expected of them anyway.
Ofc it doesn’t to you, it matters to those who do high level content. You personally could go into the content that you do and not even use the covenant ability.
Now, does it really matter to you if others could change them?
Those (little snippets) are the thread starters, 2 of them were mine even.
If you bother reading them, you’d see that there were a lot who wanted to keep them locked.
If you’d have read the US forums last year, the same deal.
Yes, the RPG were people don’t give a damn what abilities others are. I’m sure it matters to you what the Kyrian hunter has for abilities.
It’s called customization, and we could change specs and powers since the start of wow.
@ Evangelica
See? players like those in this thread, who want to keep them locked. Need more proof that there are plenty?
Are there any players who previously did high-end content that have found themselves tumbling down to my level because they didn’t pick a certain Covenant?
I’m mostly noting that some people feel like they have to choose a certain Covenant, but I don’t really see any evidence that choosing something else leads to tangible consequences.
Well whatever design would apply to others would also apply to me. And like I said, I like that the Covenant-themed powers are tied to their respective Covenants. There’s some fantasy there that makes sense and I appreciate that in my game experience.
Yeah for the cost of 50g which was implemented in order to discourage respecing. You can call it w/e. Customization without restrictions isnt customization. Everyone just ends up swaping to best builds in all types of situations and everybody ends up with exact same type of choices. Restrictions and frictions are what makes rpg game RPG.
No, that’s the truth, it went live like this due to players like these who argued for the lock.
It doesn’t have to be, performance is lower if you didn’t pick the BiS covenant. But “tumbling down” to your level wouldn’t happen anyway, even if those players wouldn’t even use their covenant ability.
There is a big difference between covenant powers.
I’ve looked through my parses when i was Night Fae, compared them to those who were Kyrians for example and some of them even had 1-2k+ dps on the top end. As a comparison my parses as a Night Fae were in the legendary bracket for Night Fae, but only epic against the best.
Gratz on your game experience, maybe SL wouldn’t have had this much of a drop due to players leaving in droves if players could actually switch things up through changing powers.
That was in Classic, where that meant a bit of farming, but it wasn’t this level of changing to other covenants to switch powers, doing 2 quests on 2 different weeks and then having to grind everything from renown to buildings and ofc anima.
From TBC everything was easy to change, that 50g respec was absolutely nothing.
It was around 8-15g. And you had only few daily Q per day, and for most of them you needed flying for 5k gold.
And you completly ignore that it wasnt 1 respec per day. You start playing. Ok lets do some pvp thats 50g. Oh look my guldies wants to do some dungeons thats another 50g to respec back. Ok back to PvP thats another 50g back to pvp spec. But wait i have rraid at night thats another 50g. You just wasted 200 gold just for respecing in single day. This friction caused players to no respec and went with builds what were not optimal into content they wanted to do. Which created variety in players builds.
But then there isn’t really an issue, is there? I mean, if you’re placing everything on the scale of performance, then that’s a chosen playstyle. That makes you a min/max player and you should simply commit to that: Play the ideal faction, race, class, spec, and have the ideal gear and Covenant, Conduits, and Legendary.
For some people that playstyle is enjoyable because it can be fun to tinker with optimizing one’s performance within a fraction of the perfect.
On the other hand, if you don’t like pursuing performance above all else, then maybe the min/max playstyle is not for you. And that’s fine, it’s not for me either. Choose another playstyle!
As said, since there doesn’t appear to be tangible consequences if you don’t min/max to the extreme, then there really isn’t much of an issue with Covenants.
At the start of the expac, sure you’d save gold for that, but going further i don’t see how others were starved for gold, i never was, just did dailies, respecced a few days per week.
So how do you see this now? Since there is no respec cost, is this better or worse? Did you like feeling like you couldn’t respec?
Except there is an issue, a lot of players like to do multiple content, there isn’t any sense in going with ST abilities in M+, neither is having aoe abilities for most raid bosses.
And how exactly can someone who does multiple content in this game supposed to “respec” in this case? Oh wait, they can’t.
The system as it is prohibits players who enjoy multiple content from doing them effectively.
But you see, i like to min-max, i can’t right now, can i? And so are a lot of others who can’t as well.
Guess what they did, they quit the game.
So you tell me, how does someone who min-maxes supposed to play the game if they enjoy multiple types of content?