there is no need for the sarcasm just because he is not a genius like you and me. everyone has different capabilities
Did you just try to use the fact that I have brains as an insult?
I mean, Yeah? I’ll take that. Seems like a weird insult, but sure, I’ll take that.
I see no insults, brainer, this is your perspective
Interesting. Well, thank you for calling me intelligent then. Mondays can be rough, but unsolicited compliments are never unwelcome.
Having a brain does not make one intelligent though, but you do you like I do me
this is very good.
FF has been supperior mmorpg for years now - its finally getting recognition it deserves .
lets hope this will lead to drastic measures to make wow fun again - starting with firing Ion and stoping focus only on toxic content for nolifers while ignoring milions of potential players.
not surprising ff14 is literally a million miles better than wow shadowlands.
FF14 get’s super fun at 50+. Everything about it is great, the story telling is AMAZING, classes feel different and unique, the playstyle is very interactive and you need a brain for classes like Ninja. I actually had fun in XIV. I unironically forgot what it was like having fun in an MMORPG. Blizzard today only focuses on chores and time gating. XIV feels like a polished great experience, it feels like the developers actually play the game and like it even! Wow!
I can’t believe how good it feels to finally play something that is fun, wow only kept me because of all the good memories and time I had invested into it, but you have to face reality. At some point you have to let go, nomatter how much you loved someone if they changed to the worse you have to let go or they will destroy you.
I think the more disturbing thing for Blizzard at this moment in time is that Asmongold probably has more viewers than there are active subscriptions left in Europe. And if they keep going down this road of lazy cut n paste patches, overbloated microtransactions coupled with the pure bribery of the 6 month sub mount then I expect that situation to worsen.
Yeah but i mean, it costs money or gold to subscribe to wow. anyone with internet access can watch asmongold for free and heck there are free wifis out there…
That isn’t actually true though is it? I mean that is not what the word ‘literally’ means. How would you even gauge that? That would need set criteria, by which you could measure things in terms of a magnitude of a million…
Eeeeehhhh Citation needed. I think that is pretty highly doubtful, but by all means, if you have an accurate source, so not a streamer or third party website, then do prove so.
i think is normal ppl is tryin somethin new after decades of wow. I tried it too. Is a good game with a ton of things to do. And excel in stuffs wow left behind. Open world and profession.
And asmon is just following the tide.
thats the point im making lol. We should have the choice, however we dont have the choice to play how we want to. This used to be a proper MMO with choices now we have funnelled choices which when we make a choice we have systems that prevent us making choices.
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