So asmongold is playing FF with almost 200k viewers

Yes I miss the old time treading was way easier, like when mine GM payed me to water walk to cover the fishing bobblers of other players so they could not win the STV fishing race.

I miss the good old days of Crushridge

Wondering if that will happen or the FF team will just let him be and support him just like WoW devs do. I mean the FF stream dropped subs to his stream today so not sure they’re gonna do much to curb his behavior. ‘Too big’ of a streamer I guess.

big twitch streamers are always a blessing for gaming companies, when they try their game and SPECIALLY if they enjoy playing it.

It doesn’t matter if it’s asmongold, soda, or shroud.

His stream basically showcased FF14 to 200,000 or so people. That’s 200,000 most likely wow fans seeing the game, and watching their favorite or at least one of their favorite, streamers enjoying the game. You can’t possibly make better advertisement than that.

But that doesn’t mean some idiots could simply roll into FF14 games and be toxic and ruin stuff. We’re talking about Square Enix after all. Not blizzard. They’re gonna be banned very quickly and very effectively if they step out of line.

From what I heard he got trolled by some veteran players. Such a nice community.

Not really, maybe for small ‘unknown’ games but not any established games I think they’re more of a detriment than anything else. Plus, I personally am not big on streamers that are transphobic either way.

Yes? and? Your point being?

you’re confusing blizzard with normal big companies. The rest actually consider it a big plus for a new community to be advertised by their game.

You have clearly watched this


Him not playing WoW is the best thing any of you could ask for, for years he’s tried to bring about changes and for years Ion on his high chair has ignored everything even the good feedback he provided, if Asmongold switches permanently it’s extremely bad news for Blizzard.

If you complain and still play, you make zero difference, hopefully he stops playing WoW, I don’t care what he plays but it’s time Ion and friends learnt a lesson.


I don’t think it’s a good thing - just like I don’t think Blizzards shtick of advertising their games via streamer invites for alpha/beta is good. Evidence is right there. :slight_smile: Maybe they should stop treating streamers differently than other players.

So I wake up and the take-away seems to be that a WoW developer has called Asmongold an ***hole.

Which of course doesn’t reflect very well on Blizzard.

So now they’ve screwed themselves over again.


Don’t call your customers ***holes, no matter who they are. Anyone’s who’s ever held a job knows that is rule nr. 1.

This will not go down well. :weary:


Got a link? I kinda want to see this


He did, and he’s correct; Asmon even agreed with it. It’s more of a proven fact than an opinion anyways. Both the people that mentioned Asmon in those tweet threads have received enough harassment to have to private their twitters.

Don’t think Asmon has ever had to do that when he’s said the same thing about the devs.

While it’s most likely true, that very small snippet just saying “That guy is an ahole” without any context to the thread, what he replied to or anything in that thread makes it seem worse than it is.

How vacuous are people these days, that what would barely be contained on a side of A4 is considered ‘An Essay’? I’d kind of be fearful for their minds if they were ever faced with the terrifying challenge of reading, say, a book?

I’m quite chipper actually, not sad at all, just got £5,500 dumped into my bank account from the government, which will always raise a smile…

OK, as -this- part of your post was civil, I will answer it without mockery.

I did say many, or most, I can’t remember which, but I do mean ‘a lot’ of his fans. Now I am basing this on Empirical evidence, to whit, that which I have personally seen or experienced. Obviously, whilst me having seen it does not make it gospel truth in anyone else’s eyes, it does still carry some weight as far as evidence goes, after all, this is why we have ‘witnesses’ in Law Court proceedings.

So, the initial incident was about three or four years back, closer to four I believe. He decided to crash Argent Dawn Server, to clarify I mean gatecrash, not actually crash the server. He did do that, but that was not his intention. His drones followed him blindly, and it did not take long for them to show their true colours, with /Yell.
Here are a few delights of theirs that stick in my memory…

“All Women are (Redacted)”
“(Redacted) you guys, you bunch of (Redacted)”
“6MWE” (If you need that one explaining, as I did at the time, it stands for ‘Six Million Wasn’t Enough’, so I am pretty sure you can guess what it refers to)

There was also a whole set of remarks about people of colour that would make even a hardened member of the Triple K go “Hang on a minute chaps, thats a bit much…”

There were death threats, there were threats of unwilling sexual violence, jokes about sexualising children. I’m sure his followers had a whale of a time. Until they crashed the server.

Now…Understandably, this upset rather a lot of people, to whit those trying to roleplay as their characters in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, whose enjoyment of their evening was disrupted by a constant rolling list of red angry kid speech.

Strangely, these people made their displeasure known on the Forums.
Asmongold’s response?
-That- video where he went "Turns out Roleplayers didn’t like me visiting their server, I’m really tempted to… Raises middle finger to camera “Mess with them”
Guess what happened next?

He did the same more recently “N-no man, it was a Transmog contest, honest!”
Uh huh, so of all the places, why pick a densely populated RP server? You’ve got whole servers that are howling empty wastelands, where you could have done this to your heart’s content. Why not do it there? What precisely about a bustling RP realm is it, that you felt would be enriched by your drones and their unpleasant attitude towards anyone who is not white, straight and male, and preferably not jewish apparently.

That is why I don’t like his fans. He himself may not be a racist, sexist homophobe, and obviously it would look bad for him to tolerate that on his stream (And we know how he loves PR,) however he did see what his fans did, and sent them back in for Round two, and that’s kind of just as bad.

This all happened. I was there. I saw it happen. It is not internet hearsay.

I am neither your parent, nor your tutor, to remedy your problems.

OK, what? You’re going to have to specify what you mean by using words that make sense, I’m not sure anyone even knows who you are referring to anymore…

Who is this guy? They can see the future? I’ve got a brilliant business proposal for them! It involves predicting the results of the horse races at Aintree, and who will win the current football tournament, get their people to call my people!

Bit Disingenuous for him of all people to say that, given that he makes his money about faux outrage. Which is cunning, I’ll give him that, I mean, it’s not new, it’s just a continuation of the old 70’s ‘Shock Jock’ type, like Howard Stern, but nice to see that the kids these days are keeping the older traditions alive.

You really are feeling a bit delicate today aren’t you?

Ethics? Hmmm, You can’t possibly know that, you don’t know my ethics, I don’t know yours, neither of us know Asmongolds or whatever his -actual- name is, so really to try and talk about ethics is utterly futile.

Actually I spent my entire day doing the following, checking my emails, writing two chapters of a novel, chatting on Facebook with friends, going shopping with my newfound wealth, enjoying a pint with an old friend who happened to be in town, chatting whiff on WoW forums for about an hour, having a rather delightful dinner (Toad in the Hole as you didn’t ask…) then watched my Nation’s team do Sportsball good at the local pub, then read a bit of a book.

Oh, and commented upon two threads about a silly Streamer, which took up a miniscule part of my day…

It’s a hard life, but someone has to do it.

That may be, but it is obviously not professional conduct for a company to name-call its customers and fans. It doesn’t really matter if you’re Blizzard or the town’s local pizza joint, you treat your customers with respect. If you’re randomly name-calling, then it kind of appears as if you don’t value your customers or fans, which isn’t exactly a good image if you have a core value that every voice matters and everyone is valued and important.

It was in response to another user stating Asmon’s hatred and rudeness is not welcome in FFXIV, and calling for people to report ANY incidents of him doing so in game to make sure he’s run off if he behaves the same way in FFXIV as he has in WoW along with his fans which are a big problem everywhere he goes.

Well, it’s a good thing it’s their personal twitter and not an official WoW account now isn’t it?

If you REALLY want to go that route - streamers in fact being PROFESSIONAL streamers working under TWITCH also cannot say, or do such things which I think you’re not going to hold them to the same standard for whatever reason because Asmon and many other streamers do a lot worse on a daily basis.

That does not seem to be a good thing at all actually, given that the person has had to make their account private.

But it wasn’t the company was it? From what I can see from your link it was 1 guy on his personal account. I also feel like the amount of times he’s called the devs various things it’s not weird for them to not like him. Would you personally like someone that spews everything between heaven and earth at you?

But every voice shouldn’t be valued or important. Especially if they keep talking trash about everyone who is working there, then you should ignore them because nobody needs that kind of toxic lifestyle.

Well, if you just say anything against him almost no matter what you’ll get a ton of hate. Look at the whole Taliesin drama that happened and the amount of hate he got for telling me he doesn’t want his fanbase on his videos.

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