So basically the highest level of PvE is mythic+ now

It feels like 20man raiding is the highest level for the raid leaders because for an individual player: the responsibility appears lower there. On m+ on level above 10 especially (ignore this character; it’s new) it appears that an individual can more easily be a cause of failure so a 20man mainly raises the probability that one will fail and it keeps the skill individually lower.

Statistically speaking, over the course of a tier, more people will clear Mythic raid than who’ll reach the highest keys. So yup, the highest level of PvE is m+. Mind you, most - if not all - of the highest key pushers also clear mythic raid, and as such, participate in both. Whether they like doing that is another question, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it really depends on the level at which you’re mythic raiding at as to what the individual responsibility is.

20M also has individual responsibility, just less consistently. sometimes it takes 10 tries for someone to get a mechanic but they can easily wipe the whole group if they don’t handle it right. ofc in one case you’re ruining a 30 minute run vs a 8 minute fight, but that’s due to the content structure not the player size.

I personally would’ve preferred 15 man raid as end content but maybe 20 is better, I dunno

I’ve seen m+ players who might even be the best m+ players for their spec and still fail at trivial raid mechanics (and the harder ones as well). I would say that as of current nothing below a +20 is comparable to mythic raiding. And the thing is, the mechanics for m+ are quite simple.

I believe the perception that m+ is harder comes from the fact that mistakes lead to a greater loss (the depletion of the key), while mistakes in a raid lead to a wipe which isn’t as big of a deal in comparison (45 minutes of wasted time vs 5 minutes). That being said, these are very different types of content. Since m+ basically scales to infinity, it can obviously be more challenging. But realistically only 0.1% of players push their keys that far. +15’s are not comparable to mythic raiding at all.

Yep , only once have I seen someone in my pug m+ group with all mythic raid bosses defeated during progression. But there are plenty of people running around Oribos with super high m+ scores. I don’t think people currently 10/10 mythic even read these forums lmao.

I think it depends on what people find more difficult as individuals. Some people have the flexibility and quick thinking/reaction times, along with the mastery of their full class toolkit that’s required for mythic plus. Others are better suited to the high levels of coordination and teamwork required to bring down a mythic raid boss. Also, a big part of the difficulty in mythic raid involves finding the right number of people, with the right skill level, willing to play the right class/spec combinations, all at the same times on the same nights each week.

Mythic plus has the potential to be ultimately more difficult than mythic raid due to infinite scaling, but few people push it that far.

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