can’t believe op is geting dragged because he wanted bots to be banned lol.
some people here deserve the current state of this game i always say that.
Nobody is telling the OP that he is wrong about bots , read the whole thread and stop making flippant nonsense comments.
Lets be honest to our selfs. Bots is not a good thing, but to be frankly honest they only destroy the gameplay for greedy players.
For the rest of the playerbase they do provide cheap mats and keep the prices on the ah at a reasonable level.
Bots are usually banned in waves, almost never immediatly. Personally I think it should be the opposite: Ban botters on the spot. They destroy the economy by fiercely overflooding the Auction House with crafting materials and other items, making the prices pretty much obsolete.
The problem with instant bans is it makes much easier for cheaters to learn how they were caught, and counter it. Since they would just perform experiments and see what got them banned.
2023 anniversary, queing for Korrak’s revenge Saturday: 2+ hours wait, Sunday: 4+ hours wait.
2024 anniversary, queing for Korrak’s revenge Saturday (past 8 pm): less than 30 min wait, Sunday: Less than 30 min wait
Conclusion: More subscribers in 2024 than 2023…
Botting isn’t against the law. At most it’s a breach of contract, a civil matter. Blizzard have taken botting companies to court and sued them into oblivion.
Botters use stolen credit card details to buy wow accounts and then use them until they get banned. By the time they’ve found out they’ve already make enough gold.
I’m sure it’s cost Blizzard in transaction charges.
You can just buy gold from blizzard. Bots are getting close to being able to play the game. Soon you could be able to logon and let the AI play for you when you are sleeping or doing other things like work. With a full chatgpt like AI for talking to others.
Bots will be detected because they are better than real players.
The future is AI bots and we cant stop it. Just be happy that its not 100% here yet.
There is nothing blizzard can do. They can ban but you can stop the flood of players who will be using AI in future. It will start will plugins/addons and then the AI will be able to play the game without being detected. Just by looking a rendered video from the game.
You cant stop this, even disabling addons will just delay the inevitable. This is already happening in counter-strike like games. AIs designed to play the game like the best players and look 100% legit. Can’t be detect by VAC because they don’t mess with the game in any way.
Blizzard can ban players botting in mass but there will always be more. This has always been this way in PC games. No software has stopped bots or cheating. No player can judge 100% if someone is botting or cheating if done right.
Gone are the days of stupid bots and blatant cheaters. Not to say they don’t still exist.
Its not a question of money but technology. They are researching detecting cheaps using AI. In CS they will build an AI that will understand the limits of a human player and look for AIs that perform in ways that are no normal for humans. Even so, an AI can be trained that doesn’t act outside of the way normal human players perform. Thus its imposible for game counties to stop them all.
Stopping some will only cause research into software that beats the system. Thus, an arms races that gets more and more sophisticated. The end result is an AI bot that can’t be discerned from humans.
Bots are not illegal. But what you do with the bots IS. And whole governments cannot reliably catch those criminals, and even if they did, they cannot permanently prevent their operations.
So I don’t expect Blizzard to be better than the CIA at catching botters.
they ll not remove bots, they earn money by bot’s account subs + royalties from website who sell ilegal golds.
It is absolutely simple to ban bots + gold seller/buyer. Many other “alternative” servers have ferocious anti cheater tools so there is no reason for a billions compagny cannot do it.
The real bots are people who spend 70euro on cosmetics
Honestly the bot problem is caused by lazy gamers who do not want to grind or daily or gearup legitimately so companies crop up offering cheater services like gdkp or full afk raiding to help you get ahead.
Now, not all players cheat but the fact that some do creates the demand element bots and services outside of the game with happily run firelands on mythic several times a day to make an insane amount of money.
Ive never used them but an educated id imagine you give your account details to said booster company/Service then when u next login voila you have new gear items.
They say rmt is gone from wow but i highly doubt it is player A buys gold from a site or a gear boost gives acc info and lets whoever is running the service do the job fulfill said order then thats rmt, others get round it by gdkp but wheres the gold comming from ? Not just from the wow token thats where.
Even though its highly bannable i still belive rmt thrives in all versions of wow.
Blaming blizzard for a player created issue aint fair you need to look and report any cheating you see think about how many ppl play wow if nobody points out the where cheaters are then none will be caught, the detection system can do only so much.
For eg back in og cata there was a fishbot called pirox ok.
Blizz tried EVERYTHING they clould to stop it and failed.
Guess what they did to actually prevent it…
They bought the damned company that made it… so in essence they own the bot now.
Dont belive me ?? google pirox fishbot cataclysm there will be evidence still lying round somwhere.
The kicker is that pirox was free no money involved.
The end result of all this is if u want bots ro due out…play the game properly!!
My point is if you see cheating the report it dont blame blizzard theyre reactive here.
This post is for the OP
Bots pay for a sub, Even if it’s lower value than the normal player.
Bots sell gold to players, Those players who buy gold usually play the game a lot more than the normal player. Some pay for multiple subs.
So in the end the botters and the players who buy their gold are worth more to Blizzard than the average player.
That could be said about anything.
lol, CIA, you’ve been watching too many spy movies.
No company has solved the bot problem because it’s impossible to solve. It’s an arms race between companies and bot devs
Hehe… you got that right !
Exactly. Its impossible to police a large chunk of people. For good and bad.
Yep unless you oppress them. We could have North Korea levels of control by blizzard.
Then they can get more control.
Like you are only allowed to farm X amount of Chitin per day, X amount of gold etc.
Would make the game terrible. But certainly would be effective against bots.
But we all enjoy and like our freedom. And with freedom comes some people trying to exploit that freedom for their own gain.
Even without any esport competation bots will stay u will never get rid off bots