So doing Loremaster 4 times was a complete waste - not learning quest reward mogs unless you've kept all items

So the current transmog system does NOT follow the expected behavior that retail does.
You don’t learn old quest reward mogs unless you’ve kept all (lol) items.

For example, warrior weapon quest, I got whirlwind axe as I banked it, but NOT the 2h sword or 2h mace option.

This is NOT how the retail system works, we should learn ALL quest rewards mogs that the character which completed the quests can equip and it’s primary armor type.


Thats how the Cata system worked. Did you get Classic Cata or Classic Retail? ^^


Oh stop trolling.


Where’s the troll tho?
Hard to troll a man doing transmog for Classic Cata, not going to lie.
Like swinging at a ghost ^^

“Doing Loremaster 4 times was a waste of time”, you dont say Sherlock.

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We were expected to get the retail system, this isn’t how the retail system behaves.
Yes, you’re trolling.


who is we? is obvious you’re going to get the bad version so you can buy it next expansion. duh

How is that trolling? Before the update you too had to keep the items to have their appearances. Now you can remove them and free some bank space. You don’t like that?

This is for quest appearances specifically. Retail behavior: There’s supposed to be a check that runs through the characters completed quest IDs and awards all mogs based on what the character can use.

This is Legion behaviour, though, not Cataclysm

We were told we’re getting the retail system.

Are you sure? I heard they got rid of void storage and implemented account-wide transmog plus a new collection feature. In a typical blizzard manner, however, they didn’t give us any additional details. I couldn’t find anything about how they would proceed with transmogs of quest rewards.

Could it be that blizzard implemented some retail features but scrapped others?

I want my edited by moderator swag hat back “The wanderers cover”
Yesterday it still had the jungle hat model but it was really purple and sweet looking, now my alt looks like a clown

hekk blizz

And Cata quests behaves this intended and expected way. It makes ZERO sense that the old world quests doesn’t.

They specifically said theyd put in the retail system, and in other ways, they have.

Are you sure that’s how retail works? Because as a retail player you only gain transmogs unlocked after the transmog system came. If you had items deleted before the transmog system came, well, tough luck ^^"

Now with the next expansion they’ll make it so you’ll be able to unlock transmog of all armor types. That means redoing all the quests, they aren’t retroactively added. Never were

Something is complete wierd with transmog. I have several items that i deleted long ago, but im also lacking 90% of the tier/pvp sets that i deleted. For example my transmog tab shows I have ONE GLOVE. ONE SINGLE GLOVE. And mind you this character that im playing was created in 2019 (didnt play much on it in vanilla) But it was my main in TBC and had almost full of all TBC sets. Both PvP and PvE and yet none of those sets are in my transmog collection

I did the Goblin starter zone and I got the transmog for both quest reward items where that was a possibility, you would think that it should work retroactively tied to quest rewards but based on my available appearances that isn’t the case.

The issue might also be due to some quests having reset or been removed/replaced by new versions of the same quest (noticed this in Northrend I had quests available) and of course Vanilla quests are completely removed from the game and replaced, so they no longer exist in the game for the game to check if you’ve done them.

Yes, they retroactively awarded quest mogs from the old world in Legion.

It is possible the other quest rewards shared the same visual with another item you already had unlocked and then it won’t show up that you unlocked it after the quest.

So far it has been working for me doing tbc quests where I get the transmog for the items I did not choose. So if it doesn’t work for you, you can ignore the people here saying that that is what is supposed to happen. It’s not supposed to happen. It’s a bug.

You’re wrong.
The game tracks whether you’ve done quests in the old world to date in retail even.
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1792))
running this script for example, which is the check for the warrior weapon class quest from the old world returns as true for me.

There’s only a handful of quests that were straight up deleted, less than 1% or so.

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