So done with unbalanced populations

That’s not really an acceptable option actually.

As I told you, I used to do that during my little grinding, which mean during solo content.
So no need to be logged in certain times, no need to plane anything, just logging, and grinding, and having this little extra activities that popped out of nowhere with random people.

Join a group, and then it’s go back on planning. And who the hell wants to plan grinding with random people ? With friends, I could get it, but with random people ?
It would just be adding unnecessary struggle on the game.

And unfortunately, all my friends playing the game don’t like much pvp. They always had their pvp mod off, and they are fine with it.

Aha,and you should chek how it looked in WoD on Twisting Nether,every raid hours Warspear was farmed by those russian raids who where doing the 100k killed achivment with 3,4x-40 man raids.
The only thing that changed is that people now have the option to opt in and out of pvp.
And the population as you can see on realmpop on 120 is 55H:45A % wise on EU so its quite actually balanced.The problem is that for some reason Aliance players dont like to opt in for Warmode ON.A faction that since Vanila => WoD was always PvP favored.
And honestly i dont know what you are talking about,i was farmed in BFA on Drustvar flight points and Tortolan quests by aliance farm groups all the time.
I really think this is more of a thing,your perception is scuffed.

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It’s not a secret for anyone that the servers have different H/A ratio.

I played during WoD. I played during MoP. In Maghtderidon, it have always been the same, more people in the Horde. I precised I was on Maghtderidon many times, actually.

It might not be the same on your server. It might even be the opposite, but I know for a fact what happens in my server. Or I’m so unlucky I only played during those 4 last extensions at the wrong time wrong place.
And on the other hand, when I play my Horde Warrior, I must be lucky to always play on the right times right place.

I don’t think my perception is scuffed. It’s definitely a probleme in Maghtderidon.

As I also said, I’m pretty sure there are more ppl on the alliance on pvp off than on the horde. But I also explained why I think it is so, at least on my server.

I, of course, would enjoy a free server change, on a server which would be more balanced. But I won’t have it, and I won’t pay the price they’re asking for, which is to me, completely unbelievable.

First off how can it be that on Twisting Nether EU/EN server are russians?Answer is No,it means they got invited and phased into Warspear from Russian servers.(thank you premade group)
But this will also try to explain you the biggest problme the Warmode future ON/OFF has,sharding.
The sharding tech has big problems once farm groups are depployed in a zone,the servers go into frenzy trying to balance the number of players to be even on all realms,but also to try and balance the H:A ratios.So far from what i read/experienced and saw,its a problem.The best thing might be to turn off Sharding/cross realm(premade groups) for current expansions.Since the premade group tool alows people to make farm groups and make disbalance on a realm,something that the sharding tool cant recoupe.

You’re pointing out a good point there.

Edit -
Maybe not disabling it completely, but at least disabling it for the groups more than 5 (raids) who are pvp on.
Maybe adding “Savage pvp instances”, which would regroup a lot of players with pvp on actually willing to pvp. Here again, no more than a group of 5 if you want to join with friends.

I meant join/start a group as needed, can be a temporary group. We already do this for bosses, because there is an extra difficulty. Being outnumbered is an extra difficulty, an objective to overcome. Ask in shard if group for objective, or start one. Lfg is perfect for quick temp objective based groups. Does it always work out? No, good. It’s a challenge, part of wm.

Yes there can be imbalance. The shard tries to be balanced, but there’s various factors that cause fluctuating imbalance; cross realm groups, player distribution in zone, players joining/leaving zone/instances/wow. On top of that, players within the zone have varying wpvp motivation.

That can be looked at negatively, or positively, or neutral.

  • Negative: I want 50/50 balance at all times in all sub zones!
  • Positive: I don’t mind outnumbered, love a challenge and will group!
  • Neutral: Just play the game.

Starting a group is better than joining one. You choose the members and set the objective in the lfg title. For example, if you are so badly outnumbered in a shard, there WILL be enemy bounties. The bounty system is our natural player controlled rebalancer. The bounties are usually in an lfg group… part of the imbalance. Break that group, disband it, help restore balance.

Forming a bounty hunt group in LfG is easy, you can even rope in same shard players if possible. Complete the objective of killing those bounties, the enemy group that was unbalancing the shard disbands, you can then leave the group and continue on your way.

Too much effort? Your choice. But you had the option to try, player control. If we are not proactive about being outnumbered, and do nothing about it, there’s nothing to complain about.

Join the Alliance Defence Force WPvP guild and community for group WPvP!

Completely disagree. You actually don’t cover everything.
What if I like 1v1s/2v2/3v3 maximum fights ? What if I don’t like large fights ? Am I screwed ? Will I have to waste my time trying to get rid of the raid group in front of me just because the servers are unbalanced ?

By the way, it takes a lots of times actually to get a group who will stay until being enough to kill the raid hords groups in Azshara, since we’re actually farmed in front of the spawn. I tried it. Didn’t worked.

You also forget that it means being at a hundred percent in pvp. I said multiple times I liked to do it DURING grinding. As an EXTRA.

So your option basically means: You’re going to choose between pvp or pve. You’re completely losing the essence of savage pvp.

If I wanted to do so, I would just go and tag on BG.

Yes, there are a variety of motivations for players within WM. I like that, shows how rich a pvp environment it is.

However, there’s usually an optimum way to achieve an objective. Being outnumbered is an objective to overcome. We can play how we want, but ignoring the objective, then complaining about it, makes no sense.

Hopefully someone else will take care of the objective for you. Can’t rely on it tho. For sure, the optimum is to be proactive, and take care of the problem. Bounties, they are the objective when outnumbered. Break those enemy lfg groups!

You don’t have to do the optimum strat, your choice. But the consequence is, you are at mercy of other players.

Playing horde on an RP realm is the direct opposite. Alliance outnumber us by far. I feel your frustration, that said…you are a rogue. Embrace your class fantasy, pick your fights carfully, look for stradlers with low HP trying to recover from a brutal fight.

Get a rogue friend or 2, target healers in 5 man groups. If the healer dies…the group dies. Wpvp is chaotic baby…embrace it.

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Thats what the arena is for. Controlled pvp…you have to understand…wpvp is a far cry from arena pvp.


That was what I used to do when there were a 35/65 ration H/A. When it’s a 10/90, like it is on Azshara right now, it’s kind of more complicated.

But you got what I meant to say, when I spoke about savage pvp before BfA.

Edit - Except your second message. I told many times actually. I do arena, but I have to grind if I want to get geared. And I like Savage Pvp for that, making me able to do both pvp and pve at the same time.

The thing is the bounty concept doesnt sit well with the current WoW.Everything is based to be fast/efficent grind,insta gratification that the bounty system doesnt justify the reward for the structure current WoW has.It is easier to just go join a disbalanced Aliance dominated group,then try to fight off the exsisting horde one.
The wpvp bounty system is something trivial in pvp world,that it would be in the line of someone doing heroic dungeons on there way to be gear ready on there road for mythic raids in PvE world.

Objectiv ? In Savage Pvp ? The point of it is that there are none. Except fun. I don’t get what you’re talking about.
Savage pvp is unbalanced by essence. And that very unbalance makes it balance. I know I’m telling nonsense, I’ll try to explain.

You get killed by a dude who waited for you to attack a boss. The fight were unbalanced. Yet you respawn and now know this dude is somewhere around. So you wait for him to be at a vulnerable position, and balance things up.

If you can’t do the second step, because, randomly, that there is 10 people around him. THEN, it becomes truely unbalanced, and not fun.

You can’t add rewards, or objectiv, in such a chaotic mod. This reward will never be fair.

I getya, but the bounty system reward itself has to be balanced right. If reward too high, bounties just get insta slammed, and fewer will wpvp. Bounty reward too small, and no one interested.

Current bounty reward seems about right. There’s usually interest in going for bounty, but not too much, enough for it to sometimes work out, and sometimes not.

The more bounties in zone, the more interest in going after them, the easier to create larger group to counter a large group. It’s those large bounty groups that are biggest imbalancer. Wiping them once, often results in them disbanding, result = shard balance improved for your allies. Does it always work out? No, good! Challenge!

In an open world pvp system, we can define our own objectives. However, the bounty system is an example of an official WM objective.

Player A defined objective:
Being outnumbered is a disadvantage. Overcoming that disadvantage, even gaining an advantage, is an objective. The enemy bounty is usually a factor in the objective.

Player B defined objective:
Complete quests while engaging in 1v1 when available. Ignore all other factors.

Player B will not like being outnumbered. Player A is trying to do something about it, to the benefit of Player B. Player B ignores calls in general chat to join anti bounty group. Yet still feels dissatisfied with being outnumbered. However, their choice.

I was pretty much implying that this system is kind of weird for Savage PvP.
I’m not saying it’s bad, it has a great potential if you ask me, but it has to be completely synchronized with what Savage PvP is.

Which means chaos, and unstructured fights. As they implemented it, it just brings BG mechanics in savage pvp, it somehow adds a new BG “Death Match”, don’t know if you see what I mean.

And I wouldn’t say it’s a mechanic that balance instances out. That’s pretty much the opposite, since you have to raid an instance first before being an assassin of your faction.
It’s like saying you’re a savior after saving someone from a situation where you’re the cause of it.
Here, it’s not exactly the cause, but a part of it, so saying it’s here to balance instances is a big no to me. It may have been designed for this purpose, but it’s a big failure.

Just have to see the current state of population in each instances to see it.

Well, everyone has different combination of prefs. I personally am happy with current levels of variable balance in subzones, because I find it a challenge to overcome. Feels nice and unstructured, chaotic, awesome!

Here again… “A challenge to overcome”, well… You seem to keep denying the point that on some servers, the pops are unbalanced. Feel free to send me a video of you, “overcoming” a 1v10. I’ll enjoy it for sure.

Edit - And before you go again with your “group up”; 1v10 was a generic ratio. Of course I’ll also enjoy a 5v30.

Sure zone shards can be unbalanced, the tech tries to balance them, but there’s many factors that can cause temporary imbalance; lfg, player distribution, etc.

I rarely play solo, so 1v10 doesn’t really happen to me. It’s a multiplayer game, so I approach it with a group play strat. Also, I can stealth so 1v10 would not normally affect me if I was solo.

For example, was approx 5v10 in mechagon yesterday. That 10(ish), inevitably included a bounty. Our natural pvp balance mechanic. Used general chat to encourage Alliance to go for bounty, they did, we wiped the 10 eventually. A fun little battle and nice reward.

Many times I’m outnumbered and it doesn’t work out tho. Sometimes does, sometimes doesn’t. Sometimes outnumbered, sometimes the outnumberer. It varies from subzone to subzone, from minute to minute. Love it :+1:

Do you regularly WPvP for the FUN of it? Alliance Defence Force WPvP community and/or guild needs you! Or see list of Horde and Alliance WPvP guilds and communities.

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Why would a single player engage 10 enemy players at once? You are a rogue for god sake. Sneak past the 10 players…


Indeed. I tend to take my time. Scout your potential victim. If they are 2 or more, i just sneak by. Look at their hitpoints, usually its a good indication of their ilvl. Fight smart. Kite them to stronger mobs, vanish to drop aggro etc.

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