So feral druids are a meme already

What you’ve posted has no meaning whatsoever. You just raised your e-peen and think people will praise you for showing off. No one cares about your parses. Compare cat to other classes and you will see the whole painting.

They arent my logs. If you actually bothered to click any of them you would see that they are keeping up with warrior which is something you are referencing. Yeah they aren’t gonna keep up with mage and warlock on a very heavily armored boss. But neither is warr and rogue right now. That is comparing cat to other classes. Click the damn logs bro and look for yourself. the people that person is playing with aren’t trash either. Is feral number 1? no. but they are far from bad.

Here since you need help on how to actually read.

If you think this is bad for 1 week into the phase. then you are the one who is delusional.

The damage of 1 feral on 1 boss shows nothing. I can’t include links so go figure this out yourself on WCL. Let’s see the real statistics:
95 percentile ferals are 5th from the bottom overall.
Melee hunters, despite all that armor you’re talking about, are doing a mere 50% more avg dps than feral.
And if you want some really impressive performance, here we go:
95 percentile Menagerie ferals are last. Behind frost mages and enhs. Lmao.
The best class in the world. From bottom.
Oh, don’t you worry my friend, scaling will fix it (it won’t) when you get gear by the end of this patch. Then the cycle begins anew :slight_smile:

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Still see plenty of last spot feral for Gnomer.

Try joining a pug as a Rogue and come back to me. Id trade a bit worse dps for some utility in a heartbeat.

yeah they are still need for WF :stuck_out_tongue: on alliance

Feral PvE wise is not a hard fix, adjust the scaling and buff some numbers. Done.

Feral pvp how ever… also not hard, just needs a boat load of changes.

-Shred no longer having a positional requirement, and applying a slow (Or having mangle do that, so you do less dmg, but apply a slow).

  • Passive 15-20% dmg reduction. Cat has actually quite low dodge, my Feral was p1 bis, and I had about 12-3% I think it was. So near nothing for the most part. Aka, we are getting literally deleted on all fronts.

-Gap closer is needed, cat charge or something similar would go a long way.

  • Some actual self heal while we are being ridden would go a long way, and not insta accept that you are dead.

-Some CC would be nice too, typhoon pushback etc, something druidy. Cyclone is good too, but depends how many tools we get.

Will any of this happen ? Maybe a slow at some point, but thats it.

Tldr: Feral will suck in pvp, chose something else, too many changes are needed to make it solid.

Melee hunters by the looks of it are benefiting from their old queued attack weapon damage properties applying to their new insta raptor strike from rune rather than normalized weapon damage that every other instant attack gets penalized for. Who would’ve thought spamming raptor strike over and over again hitting the boss with 2x swords not suffering from normalized weapon damage would be higher than every other class that does get effected by it. If every other melee is getting gimped because of armor what do you think makes melee hunter the exception when they use the same weapons? Melee hunter damage is clearly not intended to be as high as what it is. The same way scorpid poison wasn’t in p1.

You also mean to tell me that a fight that has less than optimal positioning, on a rather strict positional class, that is basically purely single target doesn’t perform all that great on a fight that is multi target and has a lot of random movement making you not able to sit behind the boss like a target dummy ontop of frequent target swaps to kill explosive eggs and being a combo point class… Really insane observation. even if you are gonna compare feral to enhance. enhance doesnt need to be behind the boss for 95% of the fight in order to actually do full damage. If rogue was playing backstab build this phase instead of muti they would be suffering from the exact same thing.

The reason i linked Mekkatorque is because the positional requirements arent stupidly unfavourable to one specific melee. Yes being behind the boss in general is a dps increase for every melee. But its not physically required to press your main damage button that blizzard literally just buffed.

I swear some of the people that constant doom post on these forums have a crater in the middle of their head.

I’d say that combo finishers’ energy cost should scale with the combo points so that the full energy cost is whatever a finisher is at right now but 4 points means 20% reduction, meaning that if something costs 35 energy to use then at 1 combo point it is just 7 energy to use.

Most of the time it doesn’t feel worth it to use combo finishers that do damage at 1-3 points because the energy cost is usually that of a normal attack so why not just do a normal attack at comparable or more damage and build up even more combo points?

Combo point finishers need an overhaul in general, for both kitty’s and rogues.

Saying that a badly performing class is bad is not doom posting.

Feral clearly has issues. Imo MOSTLY in PvP. But using your logic alone where Feral is fine, its just the bosses that spazz out that mess w/ the spec. Since you brought up the last boss that has a predictable movement pattern, Feral is still behind the average. The dmg profile looks near the same as on every other boss.

So il say while clearly spazzy bosses do mess w/ cat, its not the primary problem.

Feral druid is actually very good in PvP. Sounds like a skill issue to me.

There is a difference between saying the class is underperforming and claiming its basically dead. The latter is doomposting.

We are 1 week into the phase. People are jumping to conclusions that feral are defacto dead in the water 1 week in… and using melee hunter as an actual example reference like they don’t know its gonna get adjusted, like bruh every melee is doing bad in comparison to melee hunter right now even casters ffs. I never said feral didn’t have its problems. But it isn’t as bad as what people are making it out to be. Do we need some additional help sure. But is the class literally dead 1 week into the phase far from it. blizz have already shown they can make adjustments to talents and skills in sod separate to classic so people need to let things play out for longer than 7 days…

Go look at last boss for rank 1 feral and rank 1 warrior on WCL. A class that has undeniably better scaling than feral, has access to quite a few better upgrades than BFD gear from levelling dungeons/quests and suffers the same penalty from heavily armored boss. its a 36dps difference and the feral doesn’t even have world buffs the warrior does.

stats as of today. Melee hunter clearly is an outlier.

It’s okay to not be on top for every phase especially in the first week in a raid where half the bosses have more armor than Molten core. But when melee hunter gets brought back into line with everything else. Feral would only need slight adjustments to be on par with every other melee spec.

I agree, for me Feral has problem, not really dead at all. In my eyes it needs adjusting, and this is why its doing meh dmg atm, nothing else. Well, nothing else for pve anyways.

Not having that helm that helps us gain energy when we shift has gimped us.

We’d be very busty with it.

Never have I said feral is dead, I just brought some facts in, and according to them, ferals are severely underperforming, while having a hard time farming anything in the outer world compared to other classes thanks to that positional requirement. There’s no way some classes need to press 2 buttons like muti-envenom, having no positional req, while ferals need to track dots, buffs, snapshot, stay from behind, watch healers’ mana etc etc and are so bad after all this effort.
The only thing I want blizz to achieve in their lifetime (they haven’t managed to do that yet in any iteration of WoW ever) is the difference from top to bottom classes no more than 15%. No need to homogenize everyone, there are other ways to do that, and at least single target dmg can be easily adjusted. For example, make enh shams weapon enhancements stack with totems like WF. Boom, the spec is fixed. Adjust the damage on players if needed, that’s all. Easy and 1 minute solution to make the spec that’s always been an underdog viable and desired. It won’t be the top, no way. But competitive, that’s all we need. Instead of nerfing classes to the ground, buff the underdogs to at least mid-level, and the game will be praised as it’s never been. PvP adjustments can be easily done to make these classes not OP in that category, blizz aren’t even trying tbh. Is that doomsaying or are these being terrible desires of mine?