So feral druids are a meme already

Only wanted in P1 for WF, although they did decent enough damage

Now, they are literally bottom of the barrel in pve damage, no longer needed for WF

Absolutely diabolical in pvp too…

Good job I’ve been leveling a priest too. And I’ve just realised resto druids are terrible and they nerfed boomies. Feel sorry for the druids who got to 40 who won’t be able to get in raids.

Druids (especially Feral) really need some help somewhere. Maybe increase the king of the jungle rune from 15% to 40% for huge burst, helps in both pve and pvp

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squints over to enhancement shaman in p1 and p2. A single tear runs down the cheek.

Yeah that’s true haha, was going to mention shamans as well.

Enh shamans are really good in pvp though it seems

My take is that feral needs a way of building combo points faster. I have very little room for other finishers than Savage Roar if I want to maintain the buff. And perhaps make ferocious bite and/or rip actually worth using, they barely do anything atm.

And some form of aoe would also be a good change. It’s a bit cringe to be forced into single target rotation when the tank is pulling 20 mobs in SM xp farm runs.

Worse than most classes but way better than expected yeah :smiley:
with WF procs and the STV mace its managable but still a lot to fix. I mean being bottom dps as melee who dedeicated all his talents into a melee tree while hunters have range and are top melee dps with runes alone is kinda weird to see, I thought they learned from p1. Nope

Yeah literally the best way to do “aoe” damage at the moment is to mangle / rake / keep savage roar up, switch to another target and keep repeating whilst doing faerie fire for everyone else

The only thing I can maybe see why you would take along a feral is for WF / 3% crit for the melees in a raid, removing power shift. We are literally just a buffer for everyone else… there is no place where feral druid can shine

Hehe, I was even planning to do some tanking now and then. But that is even more laughable than feral dps.

The only way a cat does any damage in dungeons is by berserking and going in bear form, its a joke haha

Kitties doing 40% burst, sounds like another starsurge scenario lol. Give the classes time to gear up jesus

How will gearing up solve the problem? It will literally make the other melee classes go even further ahead

behold, manual crowd pummeler. Every 3 minutes we can do very nice burst, slap this bad boy with some tiger’s fury with Sroar and life is good again, 45% increased damage on 50% faster attacks, 70% faster with the leathworking helmet for 6 seconds.

Ah yeah true, have you got it?

Unfortunately not, but it’ll be quite nice to be slapping for 45% increased damage at close to 0.6atk speed once i get them :smiley:

Do you mean when you get haste from pummeler, trinket, and headpiece which will make your char more than semi-decent? People gotta realize that some classes scale better than others; feral is a great scaler unlike shadow priest which has terrible scaling

Wait till we get gear. By the time we are fully geared and have full buffs we have 1k+ Atk power and 29% crit in cat. All the attack speed+ from gnomer buff and gear is just icing on the cake.

Spriest actually doesn’t scale awfully, the Mind Spike + Void Plague+ SW:D co-effs are very, very good. Spell power = Win on shadow

Priest disc says otherwise. Priest is just like hunter, good in the beginning, terrible scaling compared to some of the other classes

Utility/Niche classes shouldn’t be top dps ofc and better than those who are focused more on pure dps(Mage, Warr, Rogue) , but it would be nice if they didn’t suck azz and could compete if the player was competent. Priest scaling isn’t bad, it’s awful on Mind Flay and SW:P though for sure

I guess meanwhile other classes won’t get any gear and scale way better than feral. Like wars, rogues, and the new meta melee hunters. Delusional. Don’t let me start on mages and locks.

Yeah feral sure looks terrible.