So Forums actively deleting posts about racism

Writer of ‘‘Shadows Rising’’ writing racist tweets against white people for god knows how many years now.

We all read these atrocious tweets.

You can’t put it under the rug.

You “can” atempt to put it under the rug. Which only makes matters worse like EVERY SINGLE EXAMPLE before in gaming industry.

Remove her NPC from SL. Give apologies for association with a Racist monster like her.

Or delete this post too, like other threads about this topic.
Know your demographic.

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I do believe it’s important for people to know about the author of a book they potentially want to buy. It’s like a vegan or vegetarian searching for food products - they want to make sure an animal wasn’t mistreated for it. However, I don’t think the forums need that kind of content when there’s a vast amount of information about it elsewhere. I mean, it’s being talked about everywhere.
Let’s keep the forums about the game, not outside controversies that could turn into heated debates and whatnot.

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