So healers

The issue with the whole gameplay lies deep and probably is impossible to fix at this stage. WoW from slow paced RPG game turned into almost hack & slash paced game. There is no place for hardcasting if meeles have such uptime and so many ways to disrupt you. On top of it due to PvE the game has more and more powerful CDs. Good example:

Combustion back then

Some specs didn’t even have CDs and their only CD was a trinket.

In SL the best way to play is to make go on CDs and hide behind the pillar waiting for CDs because damage without them is meaningless. It literally doesn’t matter besides the fact that healer will spend some mana. SL is the most pathologic in terms of CDs. In old expansions using 2 CDs would be an overlap and wrong use of CDs but nowadays when your enemies pop 5-6 you have to respond accordingly.

To make PvP fun again they need somehow to lower the power of CDs and raise sustain damage. Then Healing can be lowered and whole game will be faster paced but there will be less 1 sec one shots. Today my Warlock friend experienced one. He died from 95% in 0,7 sec because all instances of spining Crane Kick crit. On the other hand we don’t want another BFA where we hit each other until 40% dampening so finally something may die.

he said its miserable to play… who even mentioned alts and stuff?

and it is horrible to play healer right now on higher mmrish if you are not a hpriest, playing anything else right now is like giving 5 ppl the task to dig a hole, 4 ppl get a spoon and 1 gets a shovel… priest got the shovel.
when i last checked my addon (around 2.2k mmr) literally every team was hpriest+x (mostly hunter btw) if i have to scroll down, the last time i met another healer was 11 match ago. so he has a point, healers is really awful to play this season besides hpriest

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I did. Because THAT is really miserable. Not playing a healer.

At ~2,4k MMR? Yes, maybe. But since when is the majority at ~2,4k MMR?

He is not saying that tho.

Your problem in general is that u dont try to understand what some1 said or u cant do it man…


exactly not un-predictable oneshots. just much constant damage so healers oom fast

it goes like you get a fun game vs a warrior/healer than you get zerged dead by a dk/demon in 80% damage reduction.
1/2 fun games again vs some healer/dps after that you team mate get 1 shotted by a 80k chaos bolt.
arena at the moment is just a gamble you can have fun games but 4 set shamans and warlocks also can 1 shot you team mate on 40% versa and % damage reduction.
worst i have seen was a warlock on 98k hp and 53% damage reduction getting 1 shotted by a other warlock and a dps shaman.

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Ya im doing that exactly. But the truth is, I subbed again on May 1th, but i played 1 day :'D

No reason to play a healer in pvp.

Imo they really should prune a lot of these MS-effects that are currently in the game. It shouldn’t be a matter of course that nearly every melee in this game can just nullify your healing output by simply zerging you all game and doing 3 button PvE-rotation. It just promotes mindless running down of healers by double melee. You shouldn’t have high constant dmg pressure and perma MS on top of that…

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“No reason to play a healer in pvp.” I mean I play heals if it takes too long to find one for dps.

You can easily wait for hour even on low ratings to get anything deacent or you settle for something thats been challenger max past 3 years and basically does nothing of even the basics and has no clue of meta or why your team keeps losing vs glads on even current 1700mmr right now

But as the supply and demand works for this lfg system as healer even really bad players can get carryed from 1400 to 1700+ by playing with something like 2set dh, 4set fury, 4set assa, 4set destro… but if they go with something that takes coordination with cc and some tought on the kill windows instead of constant zug zug pve rotation they gonna suck big time and have no clue. So basically if you heal you can get carryed 400-500 higher your true rating very easily

If you got mates to play with who happen to play healer then you can play dps, if you rely entirely on lfg then I mean best is to play both dps and heal or you going to waste alot of your time just waiting in the tinder system

Just something to take in account, best to try see the “bigger picture” and both sides of all things always

Today i won 1v2 (from start till the end) vs rogue hpriest at 2k. And idk can’t really say i faced glads only as you said.
Anyway imo healing is fun when you play with decent people who know how to play and dont eat all the damg while it could be extremely aids if you play with clueless people.


Did he just finally admit he is a bad player?
Or is it just a very weird coincidence with the 1,7k rating and being carried?

Remember that we are all here with you if you do not understand something again.

Aye 4set destro is very efficient currently with resolve or even without it especially if people dont have aura for ruin or keep eye on cds in general and position bad when you can load dmg on them, can easily end game there fast

“imo healing is fun when you play with decent people who know how to play and dont eat all the damg while it could be extremely aids if you play with clueless people.”

100% agree on this one, my comment was for the guy stateing “No reason to play a healer in pvp.” that sometimes its better to heal self than waste alot of time in lfg as dps if you dont know a healer to play regularly with

On a sidenote some of the healers are more easyer to carry people tanking cds from which I find druid most easyest for this compared to rsham or hpriest imo which both kinda need people to have some sort of idea whats going to happen there when on a druid I can just play really passively and heal all dmg people keep eating trough cds and just focus on cc’s on enemy healer while the dps likely are not even using single ability of their toolkit to do in order to build more pressure as theyre busy executing pve rotation on a target they tunnel on and tank every cd in the game while at it

Hpriest is meta and very broken right now but I still think it needs more awareness from the dps than what rdruid needs from his partners, especially something like bm+rdruid/destro+rdruid/fury+rdruid can be really zugzug so I would rank it from the healers for this purpose perhaps as easyest carry if you dont know how the people will perform who you play with, also high mobility combined with hots and strong instants makes it less peel dependant from others imo

Maybe my opinion is based on my experience which again is based on my ability being actually able to listen, understand and adapt?
So if you need something explained, hit me up :slight_smile:

u cant drink in solo shuffle and damp is ramping up very fast

Im already doing that but nothing changes. Noone listen pvp players

Because healing isn’t that bad if the teammates know how to press buttons.
That’s the reason why arena queue pops instantly. (at casual ratings)

u need some kind of reward. for real

if u are hpaly or hpriest u are fine, kinda… what about 4 others healers :rofl:?

I play all healers, while being rdruid main and yes, hpriest is the best healer atm but I find disc and rshaman way better than hpal.

Holy priest is so far above other healers its completely ridiculous. Either they need to get hard nerfed, or other healers need major buffs.