So Horde Bias rising again!

And here is one of my alliance characters.
You are very clearly a troll.

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This child post still open? :smiley:

I have already told you before that this would be your last chance to have a normal conversation with me and it seems you did not take it to heart. I do not “deal” with emotional people, it is distracting and your flamboyant attitude does not help either.

Thanks, though.

You represent your race pretty well Troll. Are you roleplaying here?

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Yes and no mon :wink: It really is childish.


There is nothing childish about pointing out imparity caused by Blizzard.

Besides, I don’t really care about this nowadays, recently my playtime decreased significantly, I can’t say I care about the game like I used to, which means I also don’t care about this specific subject anymore…

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Oh noes! What will he do now that you’ve rejected him? The all mighty lord?

Also, I made this character specifically for this thread. That doesn’t mean that I’m not leveling an alliance through BfA right now and you know what? Awesome evironments, cool questlines, a lot of attention to detail… how the fudge is this horde bias? The mounts, I’ll give you that one, but to call it bias, well, you have to have a wild overactive imagination for that one.

Also, the whole of legion. Period. It was ALL alliance AND horde got called out for asking some horde side things. Anything. Three horde on an alliance overpowered spaceship is what horde got. And the crying about it wasn’t near as bad as this. Even ALL of my followers on plural alts were alliance. I couldn’t pick a character that could come along with me that wasn’t alliance.

I’m now alliance on AD, where I can have wm on forever, be the overpowering party AND get a 30% buff. All that’s left now, is to be a human male paladin with a ponytail telling horde players they are evil irl for picking horde.

You are all evil. Alliance bias and all that.

edit: damn, I actually mistyped. It’s horde bias xDDDD the irony is lovely and I’ll dine on it for a few weeks.

I legitimately once got called a fascist IRL because I played Horde. The irony of seeing that message after I had come back from an anti-fash rally in Coventry was staggering, given that whether you play Horde or Alliance, I think it is fairly safe to say that I am not exactly a fascist type… But yes, playing Horde apparently makes one a fascist.

Oh and Leafkettle, I answered you on your team Red character via mail, with my Disco address because what you asked was too long to respond to in a mail, if you do want me to respond via mail, Can do, but it will be a lotof mails! :slight_smile:

Seven days ago he was looking for a conversation and I told him that I don’t care for flamboyant people and their sole purpose to steer provocation. One posting later, he improved upon it, only to fall back seven days later to his old habits.

I simply have no time for some random troll these days. I take my time to answer the people which can be invested into much more useful things (coding, studying, playing, …), therefore it’s a luxury leisure for me to actually dwell here on the forums.

I’ll check it out later, thanks!

No problemo I am away at a LARP Banquet Friday-Sunday, but will either respond before then, or after then, either way, it is my pet subject, so happy to respond with all the info you hopefully will need!

Trying to get the n’zoth toy but there’s like way to many hordies and you cannot do it in a raid blizzard needs to fix this.

Is it Horde Bias by any chance?

Yes there’s way to few Alliance and way to many horde in war morde or rather in horde mode.

Well that is not Horde Bias, then is it. That is simply too few Alliance choosing to play with War Mode activated. I do not know what this Horde Mode is, I have been playing a fair amount, and have never seen a Horde Mode, do I activate it in Orgrimmar or something?

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No horde mode is where the horde outnumber the alliance like 10 to 100. Where we have no way of fighting back getting the n’zoth toy’s litterly impossible when it’s like this.

So the fights i had with alliance players today is not real then?

Do you yourself play with warmode on or off?
As a side note:
Yesterday i was on a shard where it was at least 4-1 alliance to horde after i died 2 times in the graveyard i suddenly was on a different shard where the horde was the dominating faction.
So now i am wondering how the shards even work.

It’s horde bias almost everything’s horde bias it’s horde bias we arn’t allowed to nuke orgrimmar with our space ship.

Oh that crap again. As we are in WoW magic could stop it from being able to hit anything in orgrimmar Done easy fix for the story tellers.

I could explain to you why undercity is a much harder target than any other major city in the game yet got lost beacuse reasons.
But you would not read that anyway.

Here’s how the attack on undercity should had went we got teleported to our ship but as we stare at one another jaina just freezes the horde’s ship forcing them to drown in the plague. Besides we have frecking guns they should be able to one shoot hordies. Also just teleport dark iron darves into orgrimmar and summon a lot of elementals easy win.

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