So how many more weeks will BM hunter dominate arenas?

Rogue CC isn’t disruption CC

Rogue CC is kill CC

understand the difference

Elemental Shaman has as much CC as Rogue does but all it does is disrupt people, it rarely leads to a kill by itself, outside of a perfect Lasso with teammates pumping

Nearly everything Rogue does creates a kill situation

Nearly everything a Shaman does annoys you and doesn’t let you play the game

can we make sure any class with “hunter” in its name is never OP or at least make it OP but requires few braincells to play ok ty

This depends entirely on the use in the given scenario. It can be both. Throughout an arena match, a rogue will switch between playing offensively whenever he’s doing a go, and defensively, whenever his team are on CDs. When playing defensively, the rogue is exclusively CCing to disrupt the enemy go.

So don’t come trying to lecture me when you don’t even know how the class plays on the fundamental level. And shove your condescending tone up yours

hunter has 3 specs
1 of them will be A+ tier each patch

  • i hope that makes everyone here a little mad, god forbid hunter ever get picked in the AWC

haters gonna hate

its called BEASTmaster

why dont you i dunno… kill the main pet out of LoS
the hunter can be interupted or CC’d when he casts revive pet

congrats you just stopped 100% dmg from the bm hunter

I understand BM should counter mage, but winning 1 out 100 is not balanced. Played a long time with a disc, and when we meet BM healer we just surrender and go for next game. Warlocks feel hard too, but all other games it feels like you have a chance to win.

I don’t think anyone has a problem with hunter being A+ tier.

The problem is when it’s the most mindless of the specs being S-tier to the point where everyone else just gets mauled. It’s the same dynamic when it’s DH that is OP

At least when it’s high-skill specs that are overtuned misplays still happen which others can capitalize on. How do you even misplay on a BM?

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id love a single pet BM spec

remove dire beasts and make our main pet damage do 100% more

we dont need a zoo of pets

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I used to love BM back in the day, but they ruined it with this zookeeper playstyle

Yep. It would also make playing against hunter a lot less frustrating.

I miss having just 1 super powerful pet. Cataclysm BM was fun for me.

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