So hows everyone else's luck being in Regard Roulette this week

Currently sitting on 5 losses and 0 wins despite coming top or 2nd top of healing done in every single game. Would still much rather do this though than play vs Pres Evoker or Disc priests in arena.

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Won 1 out of 6 gamesā€¦ Lost 150rating lol.

Idk how I can possibly carry teams a lone dps.
Doesnā€™t matter if I ninjacap something when the entire team is fighting half of theirs and losing the point either way.

Oh also, I win and get +8 but lose - 20 when I loseā€¦ At 1500 rating now wtf man


Man if all it took to climb in bg blitz was ā€˜be top or 2nd top in healingā€™ iā€™d be rank 1 with an unbreakable hold on it.

Healing done and dmg done dont matter 90% of the time.


5 Wins to 6 Losses this weekā€¦ feels miserable.

at low MMR itā€™s just a game of who does the most damage/healing. Problem is, thereā€™s no downside to joining the que for rated over normal.

Healing done/dmg done donā€™t matter at higher rating maybeā€¦ But at low rating itā€™s everything, as 95% of players play zugzug.

Disagree because you have a brain. You can absolutely trap people in blenders and waste their time and beat each other up for 5 minutes, but if you engage your brain youā€™ll realise you can turn 180* and walk away and all of a sudden, like the first ape to pick up a stick or throw a stone, youā€™ve instantly elevated yourself past ā€œrarrghhh, smash!!ā€ and are now the most threatening player in the lobby.

easier said than done on some specs - a warlock for instance isnā€™t an objective demon, but a rdruid? absolutely.

You really need to keep track of flag njnjas too. So many times iv lost a base because iv got 2-3 herpy derpy melee on me going full regard and someone is picking the flag whilst standing beside 5 dk pets. I have to shift bear and try swipe stopping me from healing team mates

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Getting ninja capped in a cc feels terrible too btw.
Sap, fine I trinketā€¦ Stun lol gg
Or rake, then cycloneā€¦

So many classes got 2 ccā€™s long enough to cap a flag in blitz and I hate it.

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Get good maybe, ofc u lose when ur team is bad but u can also get good.

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I won 3 games in a row this morning, then I proceeded to lose 7 in a row. I mustā€™ve completely forgotten how to press my buttons all of a sudden, cause it cannot be the matchmaking system being garbage

Weird part is I won the first games at 1600-1800 mmr, but then after losing 4 and getting into 1400 mmr games I still just wasnā€™t good enough to win gamesā€¦ Hmm

This awful matchmaking seriously has me considering if I donā€™t have better stuff to do than waste my time in this game


Yea at 1600 rating i got i try my best then i inspect healer no encahnt wep :slight_smile:

cba getting parried.

To much rng good healer vs not.

Same with dps.

World of advice: Stop focusing on toping the healing meters. In most games itā€™s meaningless. You can do 40M healing the whole game and stiill contribute more by stalling caps, capping bases, slowing enemies, than you would if you spent the entire match spaming heals in mid.


It is impossible to win more than 3 games in a row, but losing is extremely easy. I love stringing together losing streaks of 4, 5, 6 losses or more in a row, this game is wonderful. I reach a high mmr and lose because I constantly get bad combs for the map it touches and then I go back to the mmr of 1600, I leave there and the same thing happens again, itā€™s the cycle that never ends.

This mode is simply not fun, it is stressful and too rng

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Easily the worst week to do any Blitz, thanks to the weekly quest. Itā€™s all about honor farming and ignoring objectives.

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won 7 in a row yesterday, lost 7 today, some people dont know what they are doing at 2200+.
No anti tag, leaving flag alone, win 0 1V1 but keep going try to ninjaā€¦
1 healer at very low CR decided to leave at start, 7v8 all the match, very fun ā€¦

bad, people do their best to throw the rated blitz

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Funny you say this, I got absolutely ROASTED in a WSG for escorting the FC and doing like 1/4th of the healing of the enemy healers. Youā€™re a hate figure regardless of what you do healing in this game

Think you can just show up and get rating?

The top players in this game have invested many hours into this game to become good at it.

MANY, MANY hoursā€¦ and thats it. Wanna win? Get to work.

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