So I did the nazjatar pvp event today

at the beginning it looked balanced… then 2 min later every single flagpoint reported a full horde raid coming in… so i guess the horde made a few raids and flooded the shard… then the game just stopped working everything lagged to death and because the horde had all the bases by that point they ofc won

great feature blizz great fix… now that theres only 3 battles up at any point every person in wm converges on them and ofc theres more horde than alliance

balanced my ****

fix this!

Atleast yours tried, I had to ragequit mine:

I’m afraid this will become the standard, mass invite raid and due to atleast 70:30 H/A split. R.I.P. victories.

Today i was wondering when the event started on my shard. But in 3 minutes all base got flaged at the same time by horde.
They won 3000/0. when /who is correct there should be 28 alliance players in shard with me. I visited a base to see how many. On the base i was (not the one close to horde-camp) zhere were about 17 hordeplayers.

I asked my self: does it triggers the flagging faster the more stay on the base like in BC? Or is it same as fast if there is only one player? I asked me that question cause:
If event only starts on balanced one. And on every base were about 17 hordeplayers and /who only showed me 28, why the event started.

My two cents: start the pvp event again always all 3 hours for all players so everyone can shardhopping to a balanced server. Or deactivate it. Or dont let ppl group up with ppl not in same shard if event is up.

I genuinely don’t think it’s possible to “balance shards” like a lot of people here are clamoring for as long as group finder exists. It does not matter at all if the shard the event starts out is balanced because winning it is in 9 out of 10 cases a matter of which faction can flood the shard with more of theirs through LFG AFTER it’s begun. Since there’s way more overall horde with WM on than alliance, horde wins. You could disable rewards for it while in a raid group but that would seriously hamper organization for everyone including the underdog faction. The problem would only ever go away if more alliance were willing to turn on WM and fight back and that’s not something blizzard can do much about if their incentives only seem to attract people who don’t actually want to do wpvp and tend to turn it off the second their weekly quests are done.

The ‘grouping only with your own shard’ suggestion sounds nice though, wonder if it’s possible to implement something like this.

At the same time i was trying to complete the kill 25 alliance players and in each corner there was an alliance zerg chasing me down the half map xD

Dont complain… Your faction is even worst and 24/7, now if the hordies made a zerg to get the event its a sin.

I should have known id find you here lol

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they make beter racials in pvp because secundary faction(horde) was very week
lets take some math
1550 alliance rating is 2500 horde rating.
this is why pvp sistem was change
99.1% gladiator titles was on primary faction(alliance)

Exactly, and its changed because the dog faction whined at the end that was forced to play human.

Also if you take a look at ladders right now, gnome faction has still more in top than horde does.
So why the whining? Because the dog faction can whine.
What about pve racials? All MDI was Nelfs, horde stronk pve racials. Why gnome faction whining? Because they can.

Yeah this is what happens most of the times ive tried to do the event as well, the battle looks “fine” the first few minutes, then the horde quickly caps all 5 flags, usually having 5-10 people on each flag and many times there is a raid rampaging around in Mezzamere as well…

lucky, i cant even get into one. I keep getting the commander event. :confused:

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Did one today myself and it was going pretty even until alliance took flight and start to move from one flag to another. It we went on like that for 10 minutes and they just disappeared and the whole shard became horde only.

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