So i got qestion

here qestion so i was look mats got excuse ego some 1 but did not ego person not replay does mean ego some cant look mats look deam chat cant multi task

… wat?




Spoken like a true orc.


Eggselent qestion
I usually don’t eat breakfast but i woke up in the mood for some scrambled eggs this morning, yum :yum:

Good question,

but if the root of Dinosaur is blue, how come water is 24.3 while Bulbasaur is payback?


Sausage conundrum square root of dichotomy chair wheels on rice pudding ergo parrot carrot.


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I got a 4 year old, so I will give it a shot.

So OP was looking for materials in the world, and due to him being the kind blessed soul he is, he passed on said material for another player bless his heart, said player and others then proceeded to farm everything and as he was looking for more mats, keeping an eye on his screen and the minimap, he didn’t get to get any, causing much pain for OP. His own generosity was not returned in kind by his fellow players and, he has trouble multitasking.

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Because the elephant is pink.

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“Here’s a question: I was looking for materials (mats), but I got distracted (or had an excuse because of my ego). I tried messaging someone (maybe to ask for materials), but they didn’t respond. Does that mean my ego got in the way, or maybe they didn’t see my message? I can’t look at the materials and chat at the same time—I can’t multitask.”

In simpler terms, they might be saying that they were trying to get crafting materials or ask someone about them, but the person didn’t respond, and they may be questioning whether the person was ignoring them or if they simply couldn’t multitask (perhaps due to focusing on the game or the crafting system).

That’s what chatGPT made of it.
Ehm… Yeah.

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Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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I would say the 3 tier mat grind sucks and the gathering professions are gated before you can acquire large quantities of material needed.

This thread is the highlight of my day because the responses are making me laugh and reminding me of that one model who lost all comprehension during her speech about people in Africa…

OP seems to be fighting a different kind of war within.



Sent by you:

here qestion so i was look mats got excuse ego some 1 but did not ego person not replay does mean ego some cant look mats look deam chat cant multi task


Sent by Copilot:

It looks like the comment might be a bit jumbled. Could you please clarify or provide more context? This will help me understand it better and provide an accurate translation or interpretation.