So i have been reported

after making a post stating how pay to win the game can be i got a message saying i was reported and my account can be silenced.
Just so you know what is happening


I really hate the moderation on these forums


Retail is p2w only in the heads of classic fanboys who parrot what their favorite streamer is blabbering…

People who acctualy play the game know better.

You came to retail forum and got burned… My momma always says, if you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

Now the classic forum is that way.


i have been here for more then a decade and it never happened, kinda scary how it did right now, right when i spoke about such thing.
Traval - you are the kind of ppl i keep distance, you dont need to reply my posts, also it was not me who couldnt stand the heat. I was the heat.


Moderators don’t flag your posts, other posters do. So simply don’t give them a reason to. If you get flagged but there’s nothing wrong with your post, nothing happens.

But then I’ll starve :frowning:


yes i know, what scares me is how the community behaves, i was not with a speach of hate to no 1, yet still got reported , i wonder how can sum1 do this.

i dont know how much powerfull corruption is right now, but i did at lunch of 8.3, how much money do you think blizz did selling infinite stars etc?

Obviously, to not get burned too much.

Why dont you keep to the classic forum… Ya know, the safe zone…

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i promise after this experience here that i will stay there so no 1 gets hurt( you guyz from retial) or scared (me)
feels bad when you do something with care and you are treated in such a bad way ( not saying you did)


Blizzard doesnt sell gear… Players get a drop and sell it…


so what about tokens? player sell gear, other player buy tokens to sell for gold to buy that gear, else a piece of gear wouldnt cost 5 millions of gold, thats why ppl buy tokens with real money and thats why they exist

I’m sure there are a lot of players who buy 20 tokens so they can get 1 piece of gear.

it dosent matter how many there are, what matters is that they are able to, same thing for chinese mmorpg heavly pay to win, they would need to spend alot, and alot of ppl did

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Tokens exist so players can safely trade gold. Tokens dont generate gold…

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dude, you re way overdramatising things. if you re talking about your comment that got flagged then yeah, it was justified. it was toxic and unneeded and goes against the forums code of conduct.

really love it how you dont give the full story and instantly pull the victim card. :man_facepalming:


while you are right in what you say i think you dont want to see the truth yet, or i am hallucinating with this cuz no 1 on this forums agree with me , so i am also unsure now, who knows… maybe they rly nerfed corruption or made a higher chance for ppl to get it, but for my experience at 8.3 lunch and first 1 /2 months it was rly broken

[Schmusedecke] – how was it toxic? i was just stating facts , asked a question, and gave my litle opinion on what we should do, i even said i love wow…

This ^

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then maybe inform yourself first if anything got changed before you go on a blindsighted rant on the forums and get upset over virtually nothing?


You swore and by pass anti swear filter and i flagged you.
Maybe grow up and do not swear.

i tried to find that word (“swear”) but couldnt find on my post or my comments, maybe i edited it?

You can find it my link it starts with F.