I managed to write a huge post on how p2w the WoW token is and I did not get reported.
Idk what happened here, but I can say from experience it probably wasn’t because you called WoW P2W.
I managed to write a huge post on how p2w the WoW token is and I did not get reported.
Idk what happened here, but I can say from experience it probably wasn’t because you called WoW P2W.
Indeed, I received no silence for stating that I felt Corruption on BoEs basically meant you could buy your bis corruptions and it’s the closest they’ve got to being pay to win. In the past BoEs may or may not have been good items but it didn’t have the impact of Corrupted gear when using them.
I’ve also never been silenced for expressing my opinion about disliking any part of the game.
Yes I am sure in the middle of a global pandemic, a company as tight-fisted as Blizzard is paying someone to manually review forum reports over the Easter holiday weekend, at 6:42 PM, and that said report has absolutely no manually inserted evidence / information provided in the slightest.
That is far more feasible than X post received X amount of reports, best silence them.
I said that I was talking about the in-game system right from the start.
I personally think it’s pure delusion to believe they’re manually reviewing forum reports when they’re not even manually reviewing their in-game reports.
But the point i was making is they’re flat out liars, and have been proven such.
Same company. Same systems. Same ideology.
Oh we’re not disagreeing. Just attempted further clarification, but thinking about it, it’s a futile effort. Better to just let the Darkspear keep doing their thing, nothing we say is going to change their path.
The in game system has no bearing on the forums. The forums run on discourse.
You are free to believe anything you wish, but I have explained how the system works. Posts have been buried and no silences have been given to the posters because the reviewer could see it was not breaking any rules.
Iirc, you’ve been quite scathing on the whole ‘make you play’ mechanics that have cropped up in the last few expansions.
Yes!!! Those too
There are obviously lots of things I like about the game as well or I wouldn’t be playing.
Like pink armour and fluffy mounts?
At least she isn’t just wearing Skully McSkullFace’s Armour of the Skulls.
Yes mate your so right . licky bum bums everywhere. Maybe they think they are just following orders hahaha
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