So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Never heard of the bad penny one. Is there an origin to that saying?

The term bad penny was established enough in English by the late 14th century for it to have been used in William Langland’s famous prose poem Piers Plowman, composed between 1372 and 1389. Men may lykne letterid men to a badde peny

ngl never really been into those turn based party management rpgs but BG3 has been looking tempting

Or I’m just a sucker for magic being done in a cool way one of those two

Apparently its a British slang term even though last time I heard it used was from an American TV show.

" The proverb is derived from the occurence of actual counterfeit pennies, and their circulation. The term bad penny can be traced back as far as the 1300s."


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Huh. Interesting.

Always a delight to learn the origins of certain sayings. Thank you

Like i said. If you want me to leave. How about you make me.
It wil cost you a very large amount of energy and time :wink:

keep pestering me. or blaze the cannons, not trying to be reasonable, Will not ever work with me anymore. I do not take it. accept it. and will flag any single thing that is inapproperiate, trolling. upsetting… and everything that goes along which does not fit to this topic. sorry. if this is what you ask of me. then so be it.

Okay. Go away Keti.


Haha, Plow Man.

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Anyway, yes Keti, a counterfeit penny and just keeps coming back to haunt us.

A bad smelly penny.

Keep the change. I do not want this penny.

Alright everyone lets just move on, mute the thread and let Keti ramble to themselves, time and again they do not learn and all this does is just draw attention to it, it’s time to let go and forget.


It’s a lazy Sunday and I’ve nothing better to do right now, so I ask you thus: Lae’zel or Shadowheart?

We are moths, this is our flame.
Or a nice item of clothing, if you’re that type of moth.

Both. Run two characters and have one for each.
I like them both for different reasons

I have Lae’zel on my Dark Urge

Shadowheart on my Vengenace pally

Lae’zel was the correct answer, though I would also have accepted Minthara or Mizora.

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I’m quite happy to let Keti ruin their own reputation frankly and take the ride along with it. The more people exposed to the originator of vulpaedophilia (excluding Kivo) the better.

Don’t let Keti/Maalo/Rasirei in your guilds. Don’t let them in your communities. Don’t give them an inch to work with. Starve them of all avenues of entertainment on this server so they either leave it or exist purely in instanced Garrison RP (which is basically what Keti’s guild is famous for in the first place.)


What a unsatisfying pleasure that is

Do not utter that name here
Let it remained buried.


Lol. Nonce.
