As the title is saying it after my last reaction.
I Quote: “You are the one who did defend vile acts”
Saying or giving any comment about something doesnt say i have defend such a thing as vile acts. There is nothing wrong to give any comment at something. Or i could be wrong… But that is atleast what i did. There was not any specific reason to do as if i wanted to defend anything.
One person was being harassed. He called for my help.
I did not took it that very seriously. And that is mistake one.
People tried to help me where ever possible. I denied it. Been selfish.
Took the matters in my own hands because i had a reason for this to do that.
Perhaps that is mistake 2.
I can’t take criticism? Oh yes i can take criticism
Because i did know what people mean with all that. No hard feelings i had any further.
I will accept criticism. But if you are only able to tell lies. And try to make the puzzle together to see what kind of person i am. Age, Gender. You name it.
Not know what i am doing. As if i will never learn from simply every faults i made.
And to think you are there on the right end to have the picture after placing the pieces together “Oh look. this is the person keti is” idea.
You simply do not have any clue who and what i am. Then there is a reason to snap if you go on that direction to do your bad research on me. Not because of the criticism or whatsoever
But it is keti who shows up, He is saying a couple things and immediatly everyone turned tomato red and blaze the cannons. What a unsatisfying pleasure that is,
“You haven’t learned anything. You never have fixed any problems”
I can say for myself i have done learn from anything i did in the past.
Am i proud of it what i did? No. i am absolutely not being proud for what i’ve done.
And by that i took my time to rehabilitate, To think. To see the picture for myself to see what i could do better then. And i started to keep ongoing with a few breaks in the meanwhile.
I will admit. I did spoke with pix for a little while because she wanted to know how i was doing. That is all. Nothing any further to say.
Why? I am not here on harms way. You are just like tenesa is.
I am not refusing to change. at all.
And i am not letting myself get told by you anymore or any other person to leave.
Read first before you give any replies further.
What are you hoping to accomplish with this thread? It’s not going to change any minds and you’re only to get further, negative attention from it. If that’s your objective then crack on because there’s plenty of people who will swing in to provide it, but otherwise it’s probably worth investing your energy elsewhere.
make me leave. its what i am gonna tell you.
I fail to see the point of dragging this entire thing back up. All you do is remind people of your bad stuff.
People would have forgotten about these things ages ago if you didn’t keep coming back to “defend” yourself every 4 months.
Perhaps you can play the newly released RPG, Baldur’s Gate 3. I particularly recommend engaging with the story of the militant githyanki from Creche K’liir.
its what i am always hearing… Sadly.
but no.
I can’t play it
, so I’m just burning through Wrath of the Righteous again for substitute.
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Wrath is the better RPG so you’re in good stead, though BG3 is also excellent.
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Divinity original sin 2 is also great.
Keti never learns. Keti never changes. Keti roleplays in the Valley of Honour with the same person who said it was okay for one person to RP as a nine year old child and somebody else to RP as the person in the relationship.
Keti doesn’t deserve nuanced arguements. Keti isn’t capable of understanding them.
Keti just deserves to be told to go away in the plainest of terms because maybe that’s the only thing that will ever get through to that pea-like brain with an addiction to grammatically challenged roleplay with children or adults with the minds of a child.
Wow Keti, you’re like a bad penny.
Just keeps coming back.
I know we don’t forget but you do not need to remind us every few months.
I thought the term was ‘you’re like a bad smell’?
All the memories came flooding back like bad diarrhea.