So I thought I would give tanking a shot, it was a bad idea

Pug friend on heroic difficulty or watch a guide for mythic.

First time tanking?! Then get the feel of it, by pugging alot…

This leads to the next “issue” at hand - in my logic there are 5 people in party - with common goal. Likely that goal is to get this dungeon done quicker and smoother. however often we see 5 individuals working towards goal, not a team of 5. Tank survivability or healer mana have direct link on dps behaviour (i.e. stuns, kicks, damage output, ability to avoid aoe etc). And when things go wrong, yes it maybe fault of one single person, but when all 5 take things calmly - more than often situation can be saved.

Only Elune knows how many bad days I’ve had as tank. And sometimes I do feel overwhelmed by my low moods due it, but if you see dps really covering your back just as much and despite - it really makes it more fun. Or when you say - “oh thats not my day” and party is like - “oh happens, is ok”

Good runs are the ones, where you have a team. The runs of 5 individuals seem to be less fun.

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Also keep in mind that is better you build your own knowledge watching video and reading guides.

People don’t really have a clue usually and taking advice from them is just gonna make you do mistakes thinking “you are doing good”.

Yesterday i was doing sethraliss on my Druid and dps started crying because i did not tank Galvatazz in the corner “easier to soak”.
Wiped twice cause they kept strafing like tard and overcharged the boss twice.

Also as others have said just don’t bother with chat, especially on low keys, people flame like the are some MDI champ and you are wasting their times when in fact they are probably playing their role at 5%.

Haha that pursuing from rezan made me laugh so hard, they blamed you for it :joy:. At this point you can tell even them are still learning not just you. So don’t lose hope, as many said find a good community to adapt and progress. Even one friend is enough to tag together always and do pugs as trials. Nothing wrong with it

Keep it up, for the Alliance.

As a healer I much prefer that if a tank is new, he tells me. That way I can be more vigilant. And honestly if people leave after you tell them you’re new, then just be glad, in my experience those that leave after that mesage are the ones who will start yelling.

And I agree with the people who’ve said, if you like tanking stick with it.

I started some paladin tanking in low level dungeons but it was fun and had a gew chances to practice basic skills.

Will defo keep at it as its a new challange.

Dont let the randomers put you off, practice it and find a good guild (if not already).

The guy was full of crap. Whether you have positioned the boss wrong or not and everyone got feared there is no way they got eaten because of the fear, since that comes a good 8-10 seconds after the fear, which lasts for 6 seconds.

Until you know the ins and outs of dungeons and get comfortably with your tanking I recommend doing dungeons with friends, guildies, or people from communities who do not mind learning the dungeons with you.

Once you are comfortable with your class and how it works it can help to play with pugs once again, simply for one reason: It teaches you how to adapt on the fly by playing with people who are unpredictable.

If you like it, keep at it is what I’d advise.

We all have been there mate
When I started tanking, literally a year ago, it was the same story with flaming from DDs. Life threats and suggestion that I am a girl and shouldn’t tank :exploding_head:

The irony is that now in a year I am 1600 Rio and that dude that was super toxic in the SotS still 560 :slight_smile:
Oh and ye I am a man :sunglasses:

I though i was the worst tank ever. Im confused.:shield:

We can both be the worst if you want :shield:

First mistake was trying to learn to tank in PuG which is full of min-maxers that gonna die if you waste 2 extra seconds of their time. In a game. Yeah.

Second mistake was paying attention to the chat. If someone starts the saltmine, mute / ignore them. Do your job, move on. Do not engage the toxic people.
Playing “It’s my life” by Bon Jovi in the background helps sometimes to chill out.

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To cheer up some new tanks… here’s one from me too.

When I rolled a tankmain for raids in Cataclysm end I was already experienced and seasoned warcraft player. I managed to turn my back on raid boss and get one shot … few times. yet what is the very 1st thing you learn as tank ? Never turn back on mobs … never.

Dos not matter how experienced you are in game or your class - new role, and new environment will always offers some learning curve. Mistakes and failures, and group (and raid) wipes are part of the learning process.

But see it this way - once you past of the novice mistakes - you become one of the most sought after group members. You build your confidence trough mistakes and failures. you build your thick skin more you learn and proceed.

Tanking is fun and relaxing role - this is why I love it. but it takes time to get into the comfort zone of this role.

Hey, wanna tank my keys? :smirk::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

… i am alliance :crazy_face:

Otherwise tanked keys for random people from forum and random people from realm (who just run to me on boralus and ask) - so its not unheard of me to do that, when I have time.

but still I am an alliance player.

I have 440 DI ret pala. kinda like ru tanks cause they usually have less try hard minset and more get this sith done approach.
overcome :sunglasses:

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