So is this cannon gonna fire or not?

With the end cinematic for nyalotha having come and gone and the Tolkien estate wondering why wow have copied the ending to Lord of the rings :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. I’m left wondering what will the bilgewater cannon be shot at if not the useless wonder N’zoth?. Will it be used to shoot down sargeras sword? If so that’s pretty pointless isn’t it. There is still going to be a substantial amount of Blade left in azeroth. So what else can it be fired at will it be somthing meaningful or used just to make a grand gesture of the armistice.

With the dissapointment that bfa has been lately I wouldn’t be wrong in assuming the latter, somthing boring, somthing with out any thought, somthing minimum effort.

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Isnt it pointed at stormwind?

Yeah I thought it was but with this armistice coming I can’t see it being fired at stormwind, unless its used to save it somehow during the Shadowlands prepatch.

I can’t see sylvanas using it in secret it makes no sense.

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Yeah, but there’s always plot twist that can happen, either way i think its going to be a while before it’s going to be used anyway now. ./shrugs

I’m starting to think the same :cry: maybe in 10.0 with the remaining heritage armour sets.

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