So it was true after all

Dark Iron Q jumpers hehe

Yeah i fear Dracthyr will have to be happy with the Less lore restricted Classes at the beginning but its a good start! Really looking forward to Dracthyr Priest and the other Race-Visages. I really want to be able to use Human Male Visage.

AH HOLY era is over dude.
didnt you see all of the priests and famous paladins getting married to hot elf’s like wind runner sisters?.
so lets say holy works on snakes too :rofl:

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Jesus man…

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You did read the post… right? It’s very unlikely that they’ll make a Paladin Dracthyr or even a DK Dracthyr, mechanically speaking they may be able to make it, lorewise… Well they need a good reason and I don’t think: “Because it’s a dragon that worships the light!” a valid reason, we’ll see in due time however.

Sorry had a typo


i want to think positive in this one that they will bring it for paladin
and for the story im sure they will find some kind sun dragon or something like that.
or a holy Dragon

Don’t expect a paladin just yet. That class requires some lore backing.

How is a paladin harder than a warrior or mage in terms of animations?
If it’s the mount, blizz can simply pull the ol’ horse as a placeholder.


You mean more lore than Sunwalkers, for example?
Here, I’ll indulge you:
Tyr is back.
Tyr’s Guard is reforged and they accept members from all races and walks of life.


I welcome the lesser classes to join our ranks but don’t think for one second you will be as magnificent as the true class of drakthyrs :sparkling_heart:

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Please Blizzard no dracyr rogue I beg you. That would be so stupid and immersion breaking

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What do you consider base classes?

They want to play evoker but be pretty

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And Tauren rogues aren’t? I would certainly believe the concept of a slithery lizard sneaking around but a big massive bull with armour looking like it just ripped out the window of a building? Yeah totally plausible!


Was about to say the same thing!

I just think dracthyr look way to goofy in general and they’re not addressing that.

I think they tried to strike a balance between “humanizing” them and not making them look like big bulky drakonoids and just got it wrong on all accounts.

Yeah a massive dragon like crature with big wigs. Very sneaky. Im sure It would not make any noise and would go unnoticed.

And yes Tauren rogue is pretty stupid too

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I’m scared for some of these class combos, truth be told.

Some of them, Such a Warrior, Mage, Hunter and Rogue do make total sense for the Dracthyrs, and shamans do as well, given the connection to the black flight.

What comes to my mind, although, is the lore explainations for some classes. Let’s take for instance Priests and paladins.

Both of them are classes themed around the light and such, but for some races, wielding the light makes very, very little sense, such as the void elves. We recently saw an void elf wielding the light in patch 10.2.7. who used the light withouth an issue, when we know for a fact that light and void togheter are not exactly ‘friends’, and can end up making the individual turn into a bomb.

What i fear is that blizzard will just slap another “Oh, they can do this now” as lorewise explaination, not making the races unique anymore and have them all do the same thing equally. It is a bit ruining the fantasy of playing these races, given their cultures are basically all turning almost similar thanks to these class restrictions being lifted withoouth much care put into it.

The route they could’ve gone for, which would’ve been also simple, was to pretend that each race, being of a class, wielded those powers lorewise in a different way. A dracthyr paladin, instead of being a devout of the light, could be devout to a “Brighter future”, basically mixing the fantasy of the bronze dragons with the one of a paladin. Another one that could also very easily explained is being a follower of Order, rather than the light, thanks to Tyr returning.

I’m honestly hoping that the route they have in mind for the restrictions of classes being lifted, going forward, is going to be done with a bit more care when it comes to explaining them. The fantasy of playing a race -should- be kept. That’s just my two cents, although, and the ones of other people i know who care about the lore.

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