So its been a while since launch what do you think of the game/server?

Cant wait for them to eliminate the layering

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Whoever has my name on this server better be levelling that toon!

better than Smegmamonster

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Iā€™m hoping the server becomes an actual RPPvP server eventually, so far Iā€™ve seen almost no RP and only PvP. Of course thereā€™ll always be PvP on an RPPvP realm (doy!) but I would really rather prefer this didnā€™t become just another PvP server, we already have tons of those.

But it seems a ton of people came here just to sidestep the queues with no intention of roleplaying, which is normally not something I have an issue with until the non-RPers begin to vastly outnumber the RPers. Or they use names that blatantly break the (Very much still enforced) RP realm name policy like ā€˜ipwnnoobzā€™ and what not. These both cause the realm to just devolve into a normal PvP realm and was the main cause of death of RP on all the retail RPPvP realms. Which sucked massively.

When I get closer to 60 I intend to start putting out feelers for any who are like minded and would like to form an RP and RPPvP focused guild.

That aside Iā€™ve had very few problems with anybody on Horde and canā€™t really recall anyone that Iā€™d put on a list and say ā€œNever group with againā€, so far most have been very helpful!


Thereā€™s reasons all of the base game RP-PvP realms are near death and one of them is that itā€™s far too easy for a group of roleplayers to get ganked and camped in the open world. Avoiding that would mean that people would have to restrict themselves to safe-zones and trust me, that gets stale. Thereā€™s only so much you can do in the barrens before you wanna hit Ferelas to dunk on some elves, or Hillsbrad to give the Undead a scornful look.

I look forward to seeing a flourishing RP scene but, personally, I doubt it would get that expansive as many that prefer the RP over the wPvP would migrate to Hydraxian Waterlords.

One thing to keep in mind is PvP damage is MUCH lower here than in retail, and the power gap between levels and gear is much smaller.

If a group of five roleplayers between 50-60 get jumped by a 60 or two, they can fend them off and might even win. Iā€™ve repeatedly beaten people 5+ levels above me (These people were awful though, but the point remains that levels arenā€™t everything), and in a group weā€™re basically ungankable even with someone with a red level number.

In retail, a single max level can wipe half a raid of roleplayers before they realise whatā€™s happening, because modern PvP is insanely fast paced to the point where if youā€™re not being healed constantly you drop like a fly. Plus the gap between character levels is insane (Admittedly not as big an issue in BfA due to scaling but it was an issue for years) so a single level or two meant you could bodyslam lower levels very easily.

RPPvP servers were pretty great up until Wrath, where PvP damage began to spiral out of control, the power gap between levels and gear got bigger and bigger, and as such roleplaying in the world just wasnā€™t a valid option even as a group.

My hope is that the vastly lowered damage and power gap means roleplayers can leave the safe zones without getting instantly dunked. A single ganker could kill one or three roleplayers, but what about five? Ten? A whole guild raid? Even if that magnetises normal PvP guilds theyā€™ll still have a much harder fight than they would on retail. At which point would they even bother?

Plus I think most would have the expectation of wPvP happening when stepping outside the safe areas. It will happen. But the difference is in Classic you wonā€™t get steamrolled immediately and can even win if youā€™re in great numbers.

Not to say you donā€™t have valid concerns though, a lot of people I know already went to Hydra, but I wanted to see if we could bring the good old days of RPPvP back.

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Takota! It was good doing SM with you, your a good moo.

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