So its been a while since launch what do you think of the game/server?

I am very happy with both, the game is better than i was hoping for, i am probably a wow addict again for the first time since wotlk.

As for the server I have been happy for the most part, there have been a couple of twitch tard losers that have no place on an RP realm and also a few carebears whinging about me killing horde or being killed by horde themselves that do not belong here either.

By and far though the majority of people seem very awesome indeed.

Some drama here and there as well and those Gravedigger mega zerg are as crap at PVP as i expected them to be, it’s nice to have a server villian that you can easily curbstomp that likes to think they are special and tough. :blush:

Hope everyone else is having a good time.


It’s amazing. Ganking 200 Hordes at Hillbrad, Spit on them and T-Bag Gravediggers because they are just like ants. We’re finally Home Bois. I feel like an Pest-Extinguisher and feel finally happy playing a game since 2015 again <3 I also made a lot of friends here :3


Moudin, think I’ve seen your name walking across my screen a few times. Your comments along with your name are duly noted.

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Moudin another name on my growing list :slight_smile:

See you in the world.

It is amazing, only thing I didn´t find yet is stable grp for lvling or friend to play with.

It’s amazing, there’s loads of friendly people to level with, people who seem keen to RP and that perfect balance of random muppets that stop the server from getting too serious. I’m really excited to see the RP start.

I love that there is already a gank guild. It made my time on RP-PvP server fun back when i played. I hope one forms on the alliance soon.

After just a few hours on the server today; I began by laughing my head off at the amount of Forsaken spewing out the starting crypt in deathknell, looked like a scene form world war z at one point. I then proceed to enjoy the Tirisfal version of barrens chat while I leveled 1-5, joined a few groups in the process, lots of good banter. Everyone in a buffing frenzy! Headed over to brill for some light rp, then jumped on the zeppelin with about 30 other folks cursing the alliance dogs and trying to flog bags and green gear before we reach Orgrimmar, like it was some floating blimp market.

So as short a period as I’ve been here, I’ve never enjoyed wow this much in a long long time, and all I’ve done is level to 6! The world feels alive in a way I’ve never seen it before, and -so far- the folks here seem great.

just my 2 copper the topic.


I started on ZT a bit later, after could not stand the ques anymore and wanted to try an rp server for the first time. Mulgor felt a bit empty to be honest, but i guess it is because i am behind the pack. Once i reached the barrens,m thibgs changed, alot of ppl in camp taurajo and even more in xroads. A colorfull mix of people. All were very friendly and helpful. Did not encount any RP yet, beside a night elf priest that went up the elevator to TB with me which i cheered at to go on :slight_smile:

So far so good. Yet to find a guild though.

Few rotten Horde apples that just gank when you can’t even see their level is a tad annoying but I assume the same happens to Horde with Alliance wankers doing the same.

Its been ok. Ive met some nice random strangers to do quests, but on the other hand i have seen no RP at all.

At the moment it doesnt feel like an rp server. So many people running around with names like “Poggerz” and “Megadong”


Moudin is a bastion of hope. You should be grateful he blessed you with his presence.

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Eurgh, not another one those types.

What is your name in game

Scrimjaw, Undead Warlock. I’ll be in STV, Arathi and maybe Desolace today.

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Walking past a Horde lowbie, casually swinging your axe at them and watching them die is quite hilarious. You should try it some time.

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Werent you meant to join ABOG

I’m having a blast personally. Too bad my old buddies are very slow to come back, if at all. The charter I signed on the third day or so isn’t even completed yet :confused:
I just might have to look for a semi-serious PvE guild when I top out. Oh well.

No? Are they even here actually, not seen them anywhere unless they have different guild name.

Nope they are on Shazzrah I believe

Realm has settled down nicely, queues are pretty manageable when they do pop up.

Guild wise it has been ok to recruit, and we seem to be having stable roster of around 30 folks on constantly, suspect once raiding starts we might even see another influx of interested people.

Biggest thing for me is the “vanilla community” feel is definately back, you are starting to see the same faces around be it friendly or enemy, and people are going out of the way to help each other as you level up.