So many bugs, game breaking and not

Almost every UI element regarding PvP is bugged.
You have to guess how many Conquest Points you’ve got total, how many left to cap.
Have to calculate how many rating you’ve got or lost after a match, what is the enemy rating.
PvP +40 resil enchant not working, some spells don’t calculate resil, some double dip.
Those bugs are fixed on retail in 2-3 days, on classic the timeline is 3 month → infinity (closer to infinity).


I don’t even know why there is a report bug feature in the beta if they don’t care.
They spat all the beta testers in the face who reported bugs and nearly nothing got fixed on prepatch launch.

Another one to add in terms of guessing. The time remaining on the first round of Strand of the Ancients just sits at 0:00.

As for the status text not showing… Its absurd that its still broken nearly a week after the last release. Also, how in Gods name do these bugs pass the testing phase? Is there even testing that happens?

And with all these bugs in mind. How in hell do they expect to have a fully working MoP by 2025 Q1 ? or even Q2.

Perhaps we shouldn’t rush Cata so darn much, so theres actual time to fix everything.
So we don’t get an even worse time in MoP than we have right now.

Edit: Because even though they wanna assure us how theres not few people in Cata dev & that they do have enough people ( they clearly don’t), you arn’t able to fix the bugs in time.
2 bugs fixed in one day, is VERY little. Compared to how many bugs there are.
It’s like removing sand corns from a playground.

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